Nouns and Verbs
Context Clues
Main Idea

Find the noun in this sentence and tell me if it is a person, place, or thing

Ms. Papiernik went to the mall. 

Place: mall


Tell me what the  italicized word means in the sentence: 

Alex was so hungry that he consumed 3 sandwiches.

BONUS: tell me how you new that's what the word meant 

Consumed means to eat something. 

because I know that you eat food


What is a synonym for the word: pretty

beautiful, cute, good looking 


What is antonym for the word: cold



Tell me the main idea: 

It is often said that lightning never strikes twice in the same place, but this isn’t true. Go ask the forest rangers. Rangers who spend their summers as fire-fighters will tell you that every thundershower brings several bolts of lightning to their lookout stations.

It is often said that lightning never strikes twice in the same place, but this isn’t true.


Find the verb in this sentence 

Ms. Rosenblatt kicked the soccer ball. 



Tell me that the italicized word means 

Bill felt remorse, or shame, for his harsh words.

Remorse means shame 


What is a synonym for the word: big

enormous, gigantic, large 


What is antonym for the word: happy



Tell me the main idea: 

The Rain Forest is home to many creatures. Monkeys, Macaws, and butterflies live in the Rain Forest. The Rainforest is also home to the sloth. 

The Rain Forest is home to many creatures.


Find the 2 nouns and  the verb in the sentence, tell me if the nouns are a person, place, or thing

Ms. Emby went to the park and played with her dog. 

Nouns: park- place and dog-thing 

Verb: played


Tell me what the italicized word means 

Our sweltering summer days were quickly replaced by the cold flashes of fall.

Bonus: How did you know?

Sweltering means hot 

Sweltering summers is the opposite of cold fall 


What is a synonym for the word: begin

start, open, launch, 


What is antonym for the word: brave

scared, coward


Tell me the main idea: 

What do you need to bring on a picnic? First, you need to bring a basket. Put the food in the basket. It will be sunny at the picnic so bring sunscreen and water! Next, you will need to bring a blanket. Last, you will need to bring toys to play with after you eat.

Bonus: tell me 2 details that support the main idea. 

Main Idea: What do you bring to a picnic? 

Details: First, you need to bring a basket. Next, you will need to bring a blanket. Last, you will need to bring toys to play with after you eat. 


Find the nouns and the verb in the sentence, tell me if the nouns are a person, place, or thing 

Mr. Gale hiked up the mountain and saw a snake. 

Nouns: mountain-place OR thing and snake-thing 

verb: hiked 


Tell me what the italicized word means 

The team was elated because they just found out they were placed in the semifinals.

Elated means happy or excited. 


What is a synonym for the word: brave

 courageous, fearless, heroic, 


What is antonym for the word: friend



Find the main idea: 

There is something very unusual you may not now about starfish. A starfish is also not a fish! First, they cannot even swim. Second, they do not have gills to breathe. Lastly, they do not have scales but have a spine. 

A starfish is not actually a fish!


Write a sentence with 2 nouns and one verb in it. 

Then tell me the 2 nouns and the verb. Tell me if the nouns are people, places, or things 

*check answers 


Tell me what the italicized word means 

Bill and Joe felt elated after their trip to the amusement park. The roller coaster was the best ride they have ever experienced. 

Elated means extremely happy and excited


What is a synonym for the word: destroy 

ruin, demolish, end, extinguish


What is antonym for the word: harvest



What is the main idea: 

Yesterday was my birthday. When I woke up, I noticed my brother Todd hung up a big sign that said, “Happy Birthday, Joey!” Mom made spaghetti for dinner. It's my favorite food in the whole world. My friend Dave came over and handed me a wrapped gift. I wondered what it was. It was a new basketball! I had a great day.

Joey had a great birthday.