CE structure 1
Critical thinking
CE structure 2

A sentence that introduces a paragraph by presenting the one topic that will be the focus of that paragraph

A topic sentence


Which sentence demonstrates the appropriate use of the comparative clause?

    a) The job interview was as smooth as I had hoped.

    b) He is as stronger as his older brother.

    c) This laptop is as faster than my old one.

    d) The music was as louder than I expected.

The job interview was as smooth as I had hoped.


Choose a correct word or phrase to complete a sentence: The terms of the new contract are quite _____________ the old ones, only they are much clearer to customers.

   a) similar between

   b)similar to

   c) similar at


similar to


According to Toulmin's Method of Argumentation the Backing explains why the Warrant is a good one and provides supporting ideas for the Warrant and answers the question

“Is the move from grounds to claim safe and reliable?”

 “What possibilities might disrupt the argument?”

 “Is a qualification necessary?”

 “How does the evidence support the claim?”

“Is the move from grounds to claim safe and reliable?”


What is the final paragraph of an essay?



Describe the structure of the formal academic English paragraph.

The Topic Sentence

The Supporting Sentences

The Concluding Sentence


Choose the sentence that uses the hedging language correctly.

    A) The results prove the hypothesis beyond any doubt.

    B) It is possible that the results support the hypothesis.

    C) The results undeniably confirm the hypothesis.

    D) There is no question that the results support the hypothesis.

It is possible that the results support the hypothesis


Which of the following means very influential due to new ideas?

    a) intense

    b) seminal

    c) comprehensive

    d) crucial



According to Toulmin's Method of Argumentation the Evidence is the data that supports the claim and answers the question

“What do I have to go on?”

“What do I want to prove?”

 “How does the evidence support the claim?”

 “Why do I need to prove?”

“What do I have to go on?”


The process of identifying and correcting errors in the text before it is submitted



The main ideas are listed in the same order as they appear in the essay which gives the reader a clear preview of what the following paragraphs will be about. What is it?

Thesis statement

While both classical ballet and contemporary dance share a focus on expressive movement, they differ in choreographic styles, music choices, and cultural influences, resulting in distinct performances that cater to diverse audiences


Insert appropriate articles or determiners: __ IT professionals argue that open-source software provides greater customization options, while others prefer the reliability of proprietary solutions. As __ IT consultant, John always brings something innovative to__ table, whether it is __ new coding technique or __ creative solution to a technical challenge.

    A) some, an, a, a, the

    B) zero, an, the, zero, some

    C) some, an, the, zero, zero

    D) some, an, the, a, a

some, an, the, a, a


Match the given explanation with the corresponding word: brought together, united.

a) Consisted in

b) Subsumed under

c) Embraced into

d) Made up

Subsumed under


Choose the correct type of argument for the following statement: All apples are sweet because every type of apple I've tasted, whether it's a Gala, Granny Smith, or Aport, has been sweet.

Co-existential arguments

Arguments of generalization

Dissociative arguments

Quasi-logical arguments

Arguments of generalization


...... is presenting ideas and information in your own words and acknowledging where they come from. By using your own words, you demonstrate your understanding and your ability to convey this information.



..... is the use of similar grammatical forms or sentence structures when listing or when comparing two or more items



Which sentence is clear and unambiguous?

  a) A cat was seen reading a book.

  b) Reading a book, a cat was observed.

  c) While reading, I noticed a cat lounging nearby.

  d) I saw a cat appearing to read a book.

While reading, I noticed a cat lounging nearby.


Match the given definition with the corresponding word: to be a perfect example of a particular quality or type, serving as a concise and representative model.

a) To epitomize

b) To reiterate

c) To summarize

d) To assert

To epitomize


Read a statement and select the type of argument being used: "Research has shown a correlation between increased social media usage and higher levels of anxiety among teenagers."

Argument from Analogy

Causal Argument

Co-Existential Argument

Dissociative Argument

Causal Argument


In APA style the list of references should be in order by

Alphabetical by first author’s last name


The practical or theoretical shortcomings of a study that are often outside of the researcher’s control



Which sentence demonstrates faulty parallelism that needs correction?

a) She likes to dance, to sing, and going for long walks.

b) I enjoy swimming, running, and playing tennis.

c) He prefers rather hiking in the mountains than spending time at the beach.

d) Both he and his sister worked hard in school and helped others.

She likes to dance, to sing, and going for long walks.


Which sentence correctly uses the word “apparently” to express low certainty?

a) The new policy apparently improves employee satisfaction, based on initial feedback, but we'll need to conduct a more extensive survey to be sure.

b) He apparently completed the project on time, according to the progress reports and feedback from team members.

c) The package apparently arrived at the destination early this morning, according to the tracking information.

d) Apparently, the weather forecast predicts rain for tomorrow, but it's always changing, so we'll see what actually happens.

Apparently, the weather forecast predicts rain for tomorrow, but it's always changing, so we'll see what actually happens.


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of convergent arguments?

Multiple premises leading to the same conclusion.

Premises supporting different conclusions.

Logical coherence among premises.

Strength in reasoning due to multiple supporting reasons.

Premises supporting different conclusions


It is a writing technique to incorporate the author’s idea or opinion into the writing  

The sandwich approach