Why do we confess to a priest instead of just saying sorry to God by ourselves?
We confess our sins out loud to the priest as representative of Christ on earth to stay close to God and receive special forgiveness.
What is Transfiguration and when do we celebrate it?
Transfiguration is one of the major feasts in our Church, that fortells the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ as God and His Ascension into heaven. The Feast of Transfiguration is celebrated on August 6th.
Why was circumcision done on the eighth day?
In the New Testament, the eighth day symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus, eight days after Palm Sunday.
Eighth day is the first day of the new week.
In Jewish faith, all male infants underwent circumcision as a sign of God's Covenant with our holy Forefathers Abraham and his descendants.
Name the two part of the Holy Matrimony and summarize what happens during each part?
The Blessing of the Rings and the Blessing of the Crown.
The ring is the sign of the betrothal (or engagement) of man and woman to unite them and live together as husband and wife. The priest puts the rings on the fourth finger of the right hand of the bride and groom. Since a ring has no loose ends, it signifies the lifelong nature of the relationship expected from the couple.
What is the difference between confession and repentance?
Confession: is an examination of our conscience and trying not to make the same mistakes again.
Repentance: to be sorry and turn away from sin and the willingness to do the right thing and turn toward God.
Why is Transfiguration also called "Koodara Perunaal"?
When the disciples Peter, James and John saw prophets Moses and Elijah along with Jesus's shining Glory, Peter declared how good it was for them to be there and then said he wanted to build three tabernacles or tents. In Malayalam, tent is translated as Koodaram. This is why the feast is also known in the Malankara Orthodox Church as Koodara Perunaal or Festival of booths.
What has circumcision been replaced with in the New Testament for Christians?
After Jesus's death and resurrection, we are now baptized in His name and this becomes our first covenant with God.
What does the "minnu" symbolizes?
It represents that the groom is accepting her as his own and their lifelong inseparable bond.
Who committed the first sin?
Adam and Eve, by eating the forbidden fruit, committed the first sin.
What is the significance of Moses and Elijah in the transfiguration Icon?
Moses stood to the right in a gesture of intercession to Christ and represent the Law because Moses received the Law, or Ten Commandments, from God.
Elijah stood to the left of Christ with this right hand raised and represents the Prophets and all those who are alive in Christ because Elijah never died but was taken up into heaven by a chariot of fire.
What does the name Jesus mean? Why are names important for Orthodox Christians?
Baptism is like being born again into the Orthodox Christian church, so that our body and soul are renewed. So, during Baptism, the baby also receive a new baptismal name to connect them to their Orthodox Christian faith.
What does the "manthrakodi" symbolizes?
Adorning the Manthrakodi symbolizes the acceptance of the groom's responsibility to care for and cherish his bride.
Who decided that we should participate in Holy Confession with a priest?
Jesus Christ, Himself. He is the One who gave His Priesthood to the Holy Apostles by giving them a special ordination to do it.
What is the significance of Transfiguration in our life?
The feast points us toward the glorious Second Coming and the promise of the Kingdom of God where all creation will be transfigured and filled with the Light. This feast is important for all of us because the Transfiguration of Christ proves to us that we are able to be transformed by the glory of God.