Have I got a Deal...
U R A Genius!
Odds and Ends
There's no place like home
That's none of your business

The Agency  must pay this before requiring the owner to surrender the possession of the property.

What is pay the agreed upon purchase price (or deposit estimate of just compensation in court)?


The URA regulations contain requirements tied to negotiation, relocation, and valuation, but not to _____ examination.

What is title?


This is the minimum time a displaced person is given to vacate a property after the first written offer to acquire is made.

What is 90 days?


This is the statutory maximum Rental Assistance payment for a 90-day tenant.

What is $7,200?


This type of displacee is eligible for a reestablishment payment, a moving expense payment and a related eligible expense payment.

What is a displaced business?


This is what ION stands for.

What is the Initiation of negotiations - usually the first written offer to acquire the property. 


The URA requires an Agency to prepare one of these to identify the availability of replacement housing and business resources for displaced persons.

What is a relocation plan (or relocation planning)?


This type of advisory assistance includes transportation to view replacement dwellings, inspection of replacement housing, and providing listings of available comparable housing.

What is residential advisory assistance?


This is the statutory maximum Replacement Housing Payment for a 90-day Homeowner occupant.

What is $31,000?


This is the statutory maximum re-establishment payment.

What is $25,000?


The URA does not require the agency to make a minimum number of  _______ to prove good faith negotiations.

What are property owner contacts?


The URA requires that the _____  must be given an opportunity to accompany the appraiser during the inspection.

Who is the property owner or his/her representative?


This type of advisory assistance includes securing permits and licenses and assistance in locating a replacement business site.

What is Business Advisory assistance?


An agency cannot require a former tenant or owner to pay more than ____  for a short term occupancy after closing.

What is fair market rent?


Any business (or other displacee) has the right to _____ if they believe the Agency has failed to property consider their application for assistance.

What is appeal?


An agency may not advance the time of ____ to coerce the property owner into agreeing on the price of the property.

What is time of condemnation?


The offer to acquire the real estate can never be ____ than the approved appraisal of the market value of the property.

What is "less than"?


This is the URA provision that can be used when there is housing available but not without exceeding the statutory limits for rental and purchase supplement payments.

What is housing of last resort?


When the actual replacement dwelling is less expensive that the selected comparable, the maximum payment is calculated on the ______.

What is the replacement dwelling?


Under the URA, real property is purchased and _____ property is moved.

What is personal property?


The effect of ____ discovered in the environmental process may have an impact on the property's value.

What is contamination?


The URA requirements apply to projects that utilize ______ funding in ANY part of the project.

What is Federal funding?


An appraisal is not required if the valuation problem is uncomplicated and the estimated value of the acquisition is less than this amount.

What is $10,000?


The RHP for a 90 Day homeowner occupant consists of: A price differential payment, an incidental expenses payment, and a _________.

What is a mortgage interest differential payment?


While there is no monetary cap for eligible moving payments under the URA, the expenses must be  _____, _______, and ______ as determined by the Agency.

What is actual, reasonable and necessary.