Critical Interventions/Deadly Bleeding
Burns/Heat Injuries
Cold Injuries
Minor Wound

What is the initial treatment for severe bleeding?

Direct pressure with the acronym RED

Rest - tell casualty to don't move 

Elevate - raise injured area to heart level if possible

Direct pressure - apply direct pressure on injured area


What are the 4 types of burns and describe how you would treat it.

Heat (thermal) burns - rinse in cool water for 10-15 mins

Chemical burns - if powder, wipe away and rinse in cool water for 15-20 mins and cover with dressing, if liquid, rinse in cool water for 15-20 mins and cover with dressing

Electrical burns - locate entry and exit wound, cover burns with clean dressing

Radiation burns - treat as heat burn, rinse with cool water or cover with wet towel


What are the two types of frostbite?

Deep and superficial


What is a minor wound?

Damage to soft tissues of skin, some bleeding


What are the two types of diabetes?

Hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia


What is the ratio of compressions to breaths in CPR?



Describe the signs and symptoms and explain how you would treat heat exhaustion.

Signs and symptoms

- excessive sweating, headache, dilated pupils, dizziness


- move casualty to cool place, remove tight clothing, give water or electrolytes


What are the three types of hypothermia from most severe to least severe.

Severe, moderate, mild


What are the two types of wounds?

Open and closed 


Define diabetes.

Condition where there is either not enough insulin in blood or there is enough insulin in blood

What are the two types of bleeds? Define it with characteristics.

Venous - trickles down slowly, dark red in color 

Arterial - squirts with every heartbeat, bright red in color


Name and describe the 3 types of burns based on severity.

Superficial - top layer damaged, pink/red color, slight swelling, some pain

Partial thickness - top two layers damaged, skin raw, moist ranges in color from white to cherry red, blisters present, painful

Full thickness - layers of skin/tissues damaged, skin pearly-white to tan to black, dry/leathery, may see bones, no pain

What are some signs and symptoms of hypothermia?

Fatigue, slow pulse/breathing, confusion, pale/cold/blue skin, some shivering


What is the acronym that is used to identify infections.


S - swollen

H - heat

A - aches

R - red

P - pus


What would the skin condition be for a hypoglycemic casualty?

Warm, dry, flush 


Explain in steps, how would you treat someone who is choking.

Tell them to keep coughing, when they start wheezing, perform 5 abdominal thrust and 5 back blows


What are some precautions to take when dealing with burns?

- Do not breathe on it

- Do not break blisters

- Do not remove clothing if stuck

- Do not apply lotions or other ointments

- Do not cover burn with cotton wool/fluffy material

- Do not apply adhesive dressing


How does the body lose heat?







Explain and describe the 6 types of wounds.

Contusions - bleeding under skin

Abrasions - scrapes

Incisions - clean cut

Lacerations - tears in skin

Punctures - could be embedded objects 

Avulsions/amputations - partial/full loss of tissue/extremity 


What is the acronym when giving medications?



Define critical interventions and give an example.

Anything that interferes with ABC's

Example: deadly bleeding


Explain in detail how you would treat heat stroke.

Signs and symptoms

- high body temp, rapid pulse, headache, fatigue, vomiting, convulsions, noisy breathing, hot/dry/flushed skin


- move casualty to cool area 

- immerse casualty into cool water up to chin

- if submerging into water isn't possible, cover with wet towels and fan the sheets to increase cooling

- repeat until casualty is cool to the touch

- cover casualty with dry sheet

- place casualty in recovery position


Describe frozen state and how you would treat it. 

Frozen state - when the temperature is below zero

Signs and symptoms - joints of jaw and neck rigid, entire body moves as solid unit

Treatment - do not attempt first aid, transport to medical ASAP


Give an example of each of the following wounds. 

1. Contusions

2. Abrasions

3. Incisions

4. Lacerations

5. Puncture

6. Avulsions

1. ran into pole

2. falling

3. cut from knife

4. glass

5. needles

6. torn body part 


What does TRAMP stand for?

Time - When should the medication be taken?

Route - How is the medication taken?

Amount - How much should be taken?

Medication - Is this the right medication?

Person - Is this the right person to give the medication?