Even though some possess the flexibility to put their legs over their heads, most people vary in his or her ability to achieve this fear.
What is incorrect pronoun usage? Correction: Even though some possess the flexibility to put their legs over their heads, most people vary in their ability to achieve this fear.
Whenever my family went camping, the flashlight was left behind.
What is passive voice? Correction: My family leaves the flashlight behind whenever they(we) go camping.
(1) Obesity is a big problem in the United States. (2) Sixty-one percent of adults suffer from it, but around 300,000 people die every year from diseases directly related to obesity. (3) Obesity is related to diabetes, high blood pressure, and getting heart disease. 1.Which of the following is the best way to revise the bracketed portion of sentence 2, reprinted below? Sixty-one percent of adults [suffer from it, but around] 300,000 people die every year from diseases directly related to obesity. (A)suffer from it, but around (B)suffer, from it but around (C)suffer from it, and (D)suffer from it, although (E)suffer because of it, but around
What is sentence revision? Choice C
What are 2 of the 3 methods for fixing a run-on sentence?
Method 1: Use a semicolon Method 2: Add a conjunction Method 3: Make the clauses relate clearly
You should only use personal examples that you've experienced when writing your essay. True or False?
When it comes to me studying for the math tests, "concentration" is my middle name.
What is the strange cases of me & my. Correction: When it comes to my studying for the math tests, "concentration" is my middle name.
Having a bargain price, Marcel snatched up the designer jeans right away.
What is misplaced modifier? Correction: Marcel snatched up the designer jeans right away because they had a bargain price.
My sister eats nasty cottage cheese and grapes for lunch. I eat fresh tacos. (A)While my sister eats nasty cottage cheese and grapes for lunch, fresh tacos are what I’m eating. (B)In contrast to my sister eating nasty cottage cheese and grapes for lunch, I will be eating fresh tacos. (C)My sister was eating nasty cottage cheese and grapes for lunch, I was eating fresh tacos. (D)My sister eats nasty cottage cheese and grapes for lunch and I am not the same because I eat fresh tacos. (E)Unlike my sister, who eats nasty cottage cheese and grapes for lunch, I eat fresh tacos.
What is sentence combination? Choice E
What are three steps in the 5 step strategy for improving sentences?
1. Read the sentence and identify the issue. 2. If there’s an error, eliminate A. 3. Fix the error before looking at the answer choices. 4. Find the correction that matches your own. 5. Still stumped? Eliminate and guess!
What are the two rules of examples for the essay?
Use Specific Examples & a Variety of Examples.
No matter how careful kites are flown, they often get tangled in the trees.
What is confusion between adverbs and adjectives? Correction: No matter how carefully kites are flown, they often get tangled in the trees.
The police reprimanded everyone at the graduation party, they didn't seem very sympathetic to the fact that it was our senior year.
What is a run-on sentence? Correction: The police reprimanded everyone at the graduation party; they didn't seem very sympathetic to the fact that it was our senior year.
(1) Sixty-one percent of adults suffer from it, but around 300,000 people die every year from diseases directly related to obesity. (2) Obesity is related to diabetes, high blood pressure, and getting heart disease. 1. Which of the following sentences should be inserted at the beginning of this paragraph, before sentence 1? (A)obesity is only a problem for the elderly (B) obesity is a serious problem that affects hundreds of thousands of people. (C) obesity can cause cancer (D)obesity has no known cure (E) obesity is not necessarily an inherited condition
What is sentence addition? Choice B
What are the 4 types of questions in the Improving Paragraphs section?
1. Sentence Revision 2. Sentence Addition 3. Sentence Combination 4. Essay Analysis
What are transitional words that signal additional ideas?
and, also, besides, further, furthermore, too, moreover, in addition, then, of equal importance, equally important, another
My parents are going to buy me a car if I was to get a perfect score on the SAT.
What is the conditional? Correction: My parents would buy me a car if I were to get a perfect score on the SAT.
John made T-shirts for the swim team, but he designed the logos himself.
What is coordination? Correction: John made T-shirts for the swim team, and he designed the logos himself.
5. Of the following, which best revises the bracketed of sentence 10, which is reproduced below? But if my dad had that one [card, he won’t know it.] (A)card, they would never realize it. (B)card; he would never realize it. (C)card, how could he realize it? (D)card, he won’t ever realize it. (E)card—he never realized it.
Choice D
What are the 5 steps to improving paragraph questions?
1. Read and Outline the Passage 2. Read the Question 3. Reread Context Sentences 4. Make your own Revision
What is the ideal amount of time one should take for each of these steps? 1. Understand the topic and take a position 2. Brainstorm examples 3. Create an outline 4. Proof the essay
1. 1 minute 2. 2-3 minutes 3. 2-3 minutes 4. 16-18 minutes 5. 2 minutes
While the principal of the high school is relatively laid back, the vice principal is often accused to be too harsh.
What is idiomatic association? Correction: While the principal of the high school is relatively laid back, the vice principal is often accused of being too harsh.
Once hired, Stephanie was required to produce a syllabus which needed to include the learning objectives she intended for her students to accomplish.
What is wordiness? Correction: Once hired, Stephanie had to write a syllabus that included learning objectives for the students.
4. Which of the following best revises sentence 8, which is reproduced below? Baseball is a highly profitable sport, and so baseball card collecting has become one. (A) (as it is now) (B) Growing to be more and more like the sport that makes its existence possible has been baseball card collecting. (C) They say that baseball is now a highly profitable industry, as is this other pastime. (D) Like the sport itself, baseball card collecting has become a highly profitable industry. (E) At last, like the highly profitable industry of baseball, baseball card collecting is wholly changed.
Choice D
What is the burger model of organization for writing the essay? What is required of the intro? What should each example paragraph have?
Intro: Thesis statement & Essay summary Example: • Four to five sentences long. • The first sentence should be the topic sentence, which serves as the thesis statement of the paragraph. It explains what your example is and places it within the context of your argument. • The next three to four sentences are for developing your example. Example Example (optional) Conclusion
What are the ingredients of the SAT essay?
Positioning Examples Organization Command of Language