Proper greetings
Reading a map
Fitness/staying active
Planning a trip

What is one thing you would say to someone you just met?


2.How are you today?


What is the object on the map that tell's you what different symbols mean?

1. key/legend 


What is one way to stay healthy and fit in your community?

1. Running

2. Yoga


4.Weight lifting 


6. Pilates


8. Aerobics, Etc.


True or False:

The first step in planning a trip in general is to gather all necessary money needed for the trip

False. You first have to figure out where you want to go in-order to determine the money needed


What is one way to stay safe when you are in your community?

1. Avoid strangers

2. Don't give out to much personal information 

3. Don't meet up with people you met online 

4. When walking, stay in the cross walk

5. Follow road signs 


What are some appropriate conversation topics to have with someone you barely know?

1. Weather 

2. Sports 

3.Current events


What part of the map measures the distance on the map?

1. Scale 


Name one way that has not been mentioned in which you guys stay healthy within your own community?

1. Going to the gym 

2.Going to classes offered in gym or community center 


What is one item needed for any trip you take?

1. Wallet with money, & ID

2. Cell phone

3. Map 


True or False:

The safest thing to do when you are home alone is to share it with the internet 



What are some ways that you can be polite to people in the community?

1.Holding the door open for others behind you

2. Saying thank you when leaving a store 

3. Don't cut people off when you are walking- be conscious of your surroundings- say sorry if you do 

4.Tell workers to have a nice day when leaving stores 

5. Help others when you are seeing they are struggling 


Identify what part of the map helps you determine which direction you are going in?

- Compass 


Besides excercising, what are some other ways to stay healthy?

1. Minimize sugary drinks

2. Minimize caffeine intake 

3. Keeping up with your hygiene 

4. Maintaining your sleeping schedules

5.Balancing school, work, and time with friends

6.Limit toxins put into your body 

7.Healthy diet 


Name one resource you can utilize to find directions to your desired final destination?

1. Google maps

2. Map quest

3. Websites might provide directions to there place of buisness 


What should you do if you are being bullied online?(cyberbullying)

1. Block or report that person 

2. Tell a trusted adult or friend 


What is one way you can introduce yourself in a formal way?

1. Hello, may name is _________

2. Good morning/evening


Which way does longitude run?N-S or E-W

East to West


What is one way you stay active/present within your community?

1. Going to town meetings

2. Going to community events within the community 

3. Taking care of the town- cleaning up 

4. Voting for local politicians 


How much money will you need if you are going to your local grocery store to pick up a Dr. Pepper and a bag of pretzels?

Around $5.00 depending on the brand you buy 


True or false: You should always carry a huge amount of money at all times in the community.



Name some ways to introduce yourself in an informal way? such as when you are with your friends or family


2. What's up?

3. Hi


5. Sup


On a map which direction  does latitude run in? North to south or East to West

North to south 


True or False: 

There is no gym located in Pen Yann


1. Yates community fitness center 

2. Snap Fitness 

3. Crossfit Submerged 


If the trip you plan is not around you and you're unable to drive what are ways to get to your desired location?

1. Bus 

2. Uber

3. Taxi 


What should you do if a fire starts?

1. Get out as fast as you can- window or another door

2. Dial 911 once outside