Daniel Chapter 1
Daniel Chapter 2
Daniel Chapter 3
Daniel Chapter 4&5
Daniel 6, 7, & 8

The name of Daniel's three friends.

What is Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego

Daniel 1:7


At the beginning of the chapter Nebuchadnezzar could not sleep because of this.

What is he had a disturbing dream?

Daniel 2:1


Nebuchadnezzar made an image of what type of material?

What is gold?

Daniel 3:1


The king was troubled by the hand writing on the wall. This person saw that he was upset and suggested that he send for Daniel to interpret the writing on the wall.

Who is the Queen?

Daniel 5:10


Following the influence of the presidents and princes under King Darius he gave the decree that there was to be no praying but he continued to pray this many times each day.

What is three times a day?

Daniel 6:10


The King that came to Jerusalem and besieged it (took over).

What is Nebuchanezzar?

Daniel 1:1


Name two groups Nebuchadnezzar called when he had a bad dream.

What are the magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, and astrologer?

Daniel 2:2


The decree was made that when the music played everyone did this.

What is bow to the golden image?

Daniel 3:10


The name of the king that did not learn from Nebuchadnezzar's mistake of letting pride get the best of him.

What is Belshazzar?

He did not humble his heart though he knew all that Nebuchadnezzar went through.

Daniel 5:22


In Daniel Chapter 7 Daniel had a night vision in which he saw 4 beasts coming up out of the seas. Describe 2 of them.

What is 

a lion with eagles wings

a bear with three ribs in its mouth

a leopard  4 wings

dreadful, terrible, strong and with great iron teeth and had 10 horns

Daniel 7:3-7


The King took sacred objects from the temple and put them here.

What is the treasure house of his god?

What is Babylon?

Daniel Ch.1:2


The dream Nebuchadnezzar had was interpreted for this reason.

What is so that he may "know the thoughts of his heart"?

Daniel 2:30


The King offered Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego one last chance to bow before the image. When he asked, "is it true" that they did not bow, they answered with this.

What is

*we are not careful to answer you in this matter

*our God is able to deliver us from the fiery furnace and out of your hands

*be it known unto you we will not serve your gods or the image you have set up

Daniel 3:16-18


Nebuchadnezzar had a second dream. This dream was about this.

What is a tree that was cut down?

The stump remained.

Daniel 4:10


The fourth beast spoke great words against the most High and sought to do this to the saints.

What is wear them out?

Daniel 7:25


Daniel and his three friends were trained this long for the royal service.

What is three years? 

They were given a daily ration of food and wine and taught the language and literature of Babylonian culture

Daniel Ch. 1:4-5


How Daniel learned about the King's dream and the interpretation of the dream.

What is a night vision?

Daniel 2:19


Daniel was here when the 3 Hebrew boys were thrown into the fiery furnace.

Where is the gate of the king?

Daniel 2:49


Because of his pride, Nebuchadnezzar lived like a beast crawling on all fours, eating grass like an oxen, and had his hair overgrown like the feathers of a bird for this amount of time.

What is 7 years?

At the end of 7 years his mind was restored and with it his kingdom was returned to him and he was more powerful than he was before the 7 years he spent living like an animal.

Daniel 4:25


In Daniel Chapter 8 we learn about a night vision Daniel has  with two animals in it. Name the two animals.

What are the ram and the goat?

Daniel 8:5-6


Daniel and his 3 friends were tested for this long when they refused to eat the King's food and drink his wine.

What is 10 days?

Daniel 1:12


The name of the King's captain that shared the King's decree with Daniel.

What is Arioch?

Daniel 2:15


The King was furious when the Hebrew boys refused to bow. He asked that the furnace be turned up ___ times hotter.

What is 7 times hotter?

Daniel 3:19


The hand wrote this on the wall.


God has numbered the kingdom and finished it

thou are weighed in the balance

thy kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and the Persians

Daniel 5:2


The great horn in Daniel Chapter 8 symbolized Alexander the Great. He died unexpectantly at the age of 33 without an heir to the throne. He was replaced by ____ kings that fought to replace him.

What is 4 kings?

Daniel 8:8