Dominant & Counter Narratives
I's of Oppression
Colonialism & Apartheid
Zapatistas & 7 Strategies for Change

What is the difference between a dominant narrative and a counter narrative? 

Dominant Narrative = History and culture told by the perspective of the majority.

Counter Narrative = History and culture told by the perspective of those who are not within the majority. 


Define the three powers discussed in class

Political - Government, get to create laws and rights for individuals

Economical - Relating to MONEY

Social - People with influence in Society 


Define Interpersonal Oppression

Interpersonal - one person oppresses another person such as with hateful language, discrimination, violence, and microaggressions.


Define Colonialism

Colonialism is a practice of domination and expansion, which involves one country using political, military, social, and economic power to take over or strongly influence another area. (Basically, they take over and control the new area.)


Who are the Zapatistas and what do they fight for? 

The Zapatistas are a group of Indigenous activists in Chiapas, Mexico. They have fought for access to land, education, health care, and political power from the Mexican government.


According to Chimamanda Adichie, what is the "Danger of a Single Story?" 

The "Danger of a Single Story" is that a single story/narrative is incomplete and leaves out the rest of the stories/narratives


Beyonce creating her own line, Ivy Park with Adidas is an example of what types of power(s) and why?

Economic and Social  


Define Institutional Oppression

Institutional - an organization or institution oppresses individuals or groups of individuals (group to group; group to individual).Ideological - based on the IDEA that one group is somehow better than another, and therefore has the right to control others.


What is one effect of colonialism? Give a SPECIFIC example

Stolen Land, Resources and People

Long lasting forms of oppressions

Political Unrest


What is NAFTA? How did this effect the Zapatistas?

NAFTA is the North American Free Trade Agreement. It reduced taxes on imported goods

Harmed farmers, specifically indigenous folks, and made it harder for them to make money


Recall the Bear that Wasn’t story, what were the consequences for the Bear of the way others defined his identity? Which narrative is being showcased and how do you know?

Consequences he faced was that his lived experience as a bear were being invalidated because they were not similar to other bears’ experiences and made to believe that he was something he was not (re: a very hairy man). Dominant Narrative because of the belief that he was meant to behave/look a specific way.


During the 2016 presidential election Bernie Sanders sat down with Cardi B to discuss US/Global issues. This is an example of what types of power and why?

Political and Social


Define Ideological Oppression

Ideological - based on the IDEA that one group is somehow better than another, and therefore has the right to control others.


Define Apartheid

Racial segregation where white individuals are seen as superior to Black individuals. Not only did it separate folks racially, it allowed the political and economic discrimination against the indigeneous African communities as well.

What are 2 example of how the Zapatistas Shaped an Image?

- wore masks

- bandanas

- smoked a pipe 


In the Fresh Prince of Bel - Air Will and Carson have two very different lived experiences, when they interact with the police there was conflict in Carson’s perceived reality. Why is that and how does it tie back into our discussions of Dominant and Counter Narratives?

Police believed the DN of their racial identity which conflicted with Carson’s lived experience as an affluent Black man.  


What type of power was used when the Mexican Government made the NAFTA deal with the US?

Used - Political


The government denied Indigenous people in Chiapas their right to own land. What is this an example of?

Institutional oppression


Apartheid is rooted in what type of oppression?

Ideological oppression


What are some ways the Zapatistas Gained Influence and Allies?

- Interviews with foreign journalists

- Letters appealing to the community

- Talk shows + Radio


Con’t thinking within the context of Fresh Prince of Bel - Air, why is the concept of intersectionality relevant to dominant and counter narratives?

Intersectionality acknowledges the different oppressions one may have because of the believed DNs for each identity and provided space for CN for each of these identities that intersect.


What type of power did Wakanda offer to the United Nations?

Economical - offering resources


Daniel believes he is better than Kate at soccer because he is a boy. What example of oppression is this? How do you know?

Ideological oppression


How did Nelson Mandela and the ANC use power to fight for liberation? What types of power did he use? Use specific examples.

Political and Social Power 

Non Violent Direct Actions, Legal System, Sabotage, Press 


Name all 7 strategies for social change!

1. Shape an Image

2. Gain influence and allies

3. Non-violent direct action 

4. violent action

5. Legal Action 

6. Negotiate with Power

7. Provide a better alternative