I used to play soccer every Saturday.
Yo jugaba al fútbol todos los sábados.
I bought a book yesterday.
Compré un libro ayer.
She was reading while it was raining.
Ella leía mientras llovía.
She arrived late to the party.
Ella llegó tarde a la fiesta.
We always ate dinner at 7 p.m.
We went to Spain last summer.
Fuimos a España el verano pasado.
The house was big and had blue walls.
La casa era grande y tenía paredes azules.
They studied for three hours before the exam.
Estudiaron por tres horas antes del examen.
When I was young, I liked to go to the beach and collect seashells.
Cuando era joven, me gustaba ir a la playa y coleccionar conchas.
He woke up, got dressed, and left the house.
Ello se despertó, se vistió y salió de la casa.