How did Elijah survive during the drought?
A raven brought him bread and meat and he drank water out of a brook
When the Israelites ask Aaron to make them a golden idol, what animal does he create?
A calf
What were the three restrictions for Samson that God told his mom?
Samuel told Saul to wait for him to bring an offering before going to war, but what did Saul do instead and why?
All the Israelites were scared so he couldn't wait any longer and brought the offering himself.
What were the names of Noah's sons?
Shem, Ham and Japheth
What was Elijah's challenge with the prophets of Baal?
They had to build an altar and see which God sent fire down onto the altar
Why did the Israelites ask Aaron to build them an idol?
Because Moses was taking too long on the mountain and they were getting impatient
How many wives did Samson have?
What did God command Saul to do in regards to the Amalekite army?
He had to destroy all of them and not leave anything behind
What sin did Noah commit?
He got drunk
Elijah is on a mountain waiting for the Lord to pass. There are several natural phenomena that happen but the Lord isn't in them. How did he know the Lord was there?
A whisper
How did Moses react when he saw the golden idol?
He threw the tablets down and broke them
He got 300 foxes, tied their tails together, and put torches in between their tails and sent them to go run in the fields.
How did Samuel know that Saul had disobeyed him in regards to the Amalekite people?
He heard the sheep and cattle making noise.
What was the punishment for the son that shamed his father?
His son was cursed and his sons were servants to the other brother's families.
When Elijah is sleeping under a broom/juniper tree and the angel wakes him up, what does he bring him?
A cake
What did the Israelites worship the golden statue for?
That he had supposably brought them out of Egypt
What was Samson' riddle in reference to?
"Out of the eater came forth meat, and out of the strong came forth sweetness."
When he killed the lion with his bare hands and then bees ate out of the lion, produced honey, and he ate the honey.
What was the name of the king of the Amalekites?
What lesson did we learn from the sin of Noah and his son?
That parents are humans and will sin too but we don't need to shame them in front of others but rather respect them
How did Obadiah save 100 prophets when Jezebel was killing all the prophets?
He took 50 at a time and would hide them in a cave and feed them bread and water
What did Moses do with the golden statue?
They burned his wife and father-in-law
What was Saul's punishment for not waiting for Samuel?
His kingdom was taken away and given to David
What was the name of the two brothers that covered their father's nakedness?
Shem and Japheth