Tawheed VS. Shirk
The Sahabah
Mus'ab Ibn Umayr
Bilal Ibn Rabah

What is the definition of Tawheed?

Tawheed comes from acknowledging Oneness. 

Allah is the only one who is God, caretaker, creator, owner, of all things, etc.


What is Bid'ah (general definition)?

Innovation or Invention


How were the muslims boycotted?

All of the Prophet's tribe: -Banu Hashim- were forced to live on their barren pasturelands and no one could talk to them, trade with them, marry with them, or help them in any way.


What was Mus'ab Ibn Umayr like before he was a Muslim?

He was well known for being the best dressed always and for his handsome features. 

People would say that they knew he had walked by because his perfume always left such a beautiful scent.

He lived a life of ease and luxury in his parent's house.


Bilal Ibn Rabah was the first ______ in Islam

Mu'aththin (person who makes athan)


What is the meaning of Shirk?


In Religion, Shirk means associating something or someone with Allah.


What is Bid'ah (Islamic Definition)?

Innovation that deals with acts of worship AND goes against Quran and Sunnah.

(Example: changing the way we pray)


Why are most of the Sahabas buried outside of Makkah?

Because they traveled far and wide to spread Islam.


Who of all people was Mus'ab most afraid of?

Where did Mus'ab first start hearing about Islam?

His mother.

The House of Al-Arqam


Before Islam, Bilal was enslaved to which leader of Quraysh?

Umayyah Ibn Khalaf


What is the meaning of Rubuubiyyah?

Rubuubiyyah comes from Rabb, meaning "Creator", "Owner", "Caretaker", and more that is not translated by a single word.


What are some examples of Bid'ah? (Islamic Definition)

1. Changing the prayers from 5 prayers to 3 prayers.

2.  Saying that people MUST use miswak while making wudoo'.

3. Saying that we do not have to read aloud in prayer but can just think.


Why are the Sahabas respected?

1. Because they sacrificed their lives and wealth for Islam.

2. They were examples of great Characters for all of us to have as role models.

3. Because they made great efforts to spread Islam, if it wasn't for them we wouldn't be Muslim today.


Mus'ab was born into a life of luxury. When Mus'ab Ibn Umayr died in the Battle of Uhud, the Prophet found his body and his eyes started flowing with tears. He was wearing a garment so short that if he covered his head his legs were uncovered, and if he covered his legs his head was uncovered. What did the Prophet cover his body with?

He covered his head with the garment and his legs with lemon grass.


Who saved Bilal when he was getting tortured and freed him from slavery by purchasing him from the man who enslaved him?

Abu Bakr As-Siddique.


According to Tawheed Ar-Rubuubiyyah, is the universe random?

(What does Tawheed Ar-Rububiyyah mean for us?)

It means acknowledging:

1. Allah is the only real power that stands behind everything that happens in the universe. 

2. Everything takes place only under the permission of Allah.


1. Are innovations in general encouraged? 

2. What about innovations by Islamic definition?

1. Yes, invention and innovation in general matters are encouraged (for example, making new medicines, using technology, etc.)

2. No, because Allah has said he has completed the religion for us and given us the best example in Prophet Muhammad.


Which of the Sahaba's suggested to the Muslims to migrate to Abyssinia during the first Hijra?

1. Barakah

 (Prophet Muhamma's foster mother).


When Mus'ab accepted Islam, what did his parents do to him? 

What happened after he came back from Abyssinia?

His parents locked him up and put him in solitary confinement (meaning he couldn't see or talk to anyone). 

He escaped and left with the Muslims to Abyssinia in the first Hijra.

When he came back his mother saw that he was dressed in rags, and he looked like a changed man. When she tried again to make him change his mind, she finally gave up.


What was one of the reasons the leaders of Quraysh hated Prophet Muhammad (saws)?

(related to slavery)

Because he upheld that slaves are equal to free men, and that they are the same to Allah, only different in terms of Taqwa. 

The leaders hated him because one of the main reasons their economy prospered was because they would raid towns and steal slaves to sell them. This is one of the big ways they made money in their society. These leaders were the biggest slave-traders, Islam was a threat to their wealth. 


What are some examples of Shirk Ar-Rubuubiyyah?

1. Saying that someone else created the Universe, or that humans created themselves.

2. Saying that someone else owns you. 

3. Saying that someone else besides Allah provides you with Rizq or has Power over you.


Is it Bid'ah?  (Islamic Definition)

1. Driving a gas-powered car

2. Saying that Taraweeh is Mandatory on all Muslims

3. Naming people as Saints and praying to them.

1. NO, because it deals with acts of worship and goes against the Quran and Sunnah.

2. YES because it deals with acts of worship and goes against the Quran and Sunnah.

3. YES because it deals with acts of worship and goes against the Quran and Sunnah.


Which of the Sahaba's was sent as an Ambassador to China?

Sa'ad Ibn Abi Waqqas


When Mus'ab was sent by Prophet Muhammad (saws) as an Ambassador to Medina, one of the leaders did not like that he was spreading Islam so he sent a man after him to say he would kill him if he didn't stop. 

What happened?

How many Muslims did Mus'ab return to Makkah with and what did they go to Makkah for?

Mus'ab and his friend asked the man to hear the message they were preaching. If there was a problem with it or a falsehood, then they would stop what they were doing. The man accepted Islam, and all of them arranged for the leader to meet them. He was angry at first, but they made the same offer to him and he accepted Islam as well.

75 Muslims to make Hajj.


How did the leaders of Quraysh try to get Bilal to renounce (give up) his faith?

They whipped him many times, and put a huge rock on his chest as he lay in the heat.