Data Quality
Gaining Cooperation
Tablet Functions
Sample types

This is arguably the most fundamental concept in data quality and refers to reading the survey word for word.

What is reading verbatim?


A skill you can build on that is important for gaining cooperation.

What is listening?


A great way to organize your outreach is by placing cases here for days where Rs specified they would like outreach.

What is the planner?


Behind the scenes data shows that there are times that are the most productive to connect with HHs. These times are times when FIs should be contacting HHs. 

What are weekday evenings past 6pm and Saturday and Sunday?


After completing a CB, this sample type will be generated. 

What is WF?


This is the appropriate method for clarifying questions that the respondent does not understand.

What is repeat questions to respondents? 


We discussed different tools that are in the "Gaining Cooperation" Toolbox: different methods to resolve concerns. Name one.

What is feel/felt found method, what is I hear you, what is "did you know", and what is to reconsider?


These are 2 great ways to switch up how your view your cases in NS Mobile to ensure cases are being worked consistently and effectively.

What are Filter By and Sort By?


Concise and informative ROCs are important to moving cases forward. Name 3 of the various types of information that should be included in a ROC.

Answers can include: who did you speak with, what did you discuss and what was discussed to resolve concerns or inform, when is a good time to return? 

Use the drop down menus to indicate dates and times, and use of the drop down for phone number if contact was by phone or address if contacting in person. 


This sample type often is a situation where only one person cares for the children from their home so might be best to contact them also on weekends.

What is Listed Home Based?


This describes the primary impact on NORC’s data when data quality guidelines are not followed.

What is bias?


Name another tool to consider for Gaining Cooperation.

What is the Personable Method or (feel/felt/found, reconsider, I hear you or understand)?


Use this disposition when a WF R no longer works at the center and it has been 2 weeks or longer since they left.

What is Resampling - Staff Departure?


The project enters this disposition for cases that are a high priority for follow-up. 

What is FI follow-up requested?


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Part 1: This sample type often do not view themselves as traditional caregivers so often need more information for them to feel compelled to participate. They often are the "unsung heroes" caring for children.  Part 2: Identify all the ways this sample type can complete the interview?

Part 1: What are Unlisted Home-Based providers?

Part 2: What is complete by phone, in person, or complete the questionnaire themselves on the web? The FI can provide the email with the URL link and PIN.


This happens when the FI inadvertently guides the respondent to answer a particular way by rephrasing or using non-verbal cues.

What is leading the respondent?


DOUBLE JEOPARDY: Identify two Concerns/Objections that respondents give for not participating. How would you resolve one of them?

What is too busy?

What is I don't do surveys?

What is this sounds like a scam?

What is I am not interested?

What is I am not going to give the government my information?


You can filter by this to see all HH cases that have recently become eligible for $40.

What is priority 5?


The type of mindset assumes that possibilities are endless, where challenges are embraced, weaknesses are acknowledged, and failures are seen as fuel for future learning and success... treats every experience as a learning experience.

What is a growth mindset?


The director might be the respondent for this sample type but it could also be someone else who's equally knowledgeable about staffing, enrollment, and finances. 

What is Center Based Provider?


Reacting this way to responses ensures that an FI’s subtle reactions do not bias the answer to subsequent questions.

What is being neutral or remain silent between questions?


One of the Best Tools you can use when pick up the phone to work.

What is the positive effect or mindset? I'm going to work to complete interviews today!


If an address has been visited 3 times and it is truly inaccessible/gated, it can be finalized as this.

What is "All leads exhausted" FI disposition? Then FMs give it an "unworkable" disposition.


Ture of False: It's important to give the helpdesk all the necessary information to resolve an issue about a case. You should include everything in the email to the helpdesk regarding names, addresses and phone numbers. 

What is FALSE? 

When emailing the HD, you should only include the case ID. The information regarding the names, addresses and phone numbers should be in that specific case in NS. You can also call the HD with the information to avoid giving PII in an email.


This is the only sample type approved by the project to receive an in-kind gift with the limit of $3. 

What is HH?