Before Reading
During Reading
After Reading
What happened?
This is an action you should do when you first get your text.
What is skim the text
name three of the six things you should be doing during reading.
What are questioning, visualizing, making inferences, making connections, monitoring your understanding, determine what is important.
What are the three main aspects of what you do after reading a text?
What are summarize, evaluate, and synthesize
What is the missing word: The animals in the _______ could not stray onto the road
What is enclosure
From the myth what can you conclude about the relationship between the Onandaga and their natural environment? Explain your answer.
From reading this myth one can conclude that the Onondaga people had a high respect for the nature that surrounded them. Each animal would remind the tribe of the important parts that animals played into the formation of the world. According to this legend, if the animals had not been willing to help the Sky Woman, if the muskrat had not succeeded in bringing up the earth, and if the turtle had not been willing to hold the earth and world, this earth would never have been formed.
These are things that will give you a good idea on what the text is about.
What are Titles and bold headings
This part of reading involves picturing the events of the text in your head.
What is visualizing
This part of reading involves putting together ideas and making connections between topics of the text
What is synthesizing
What is another word for the word in parentheses in the following sentence? The dog was so (swift) that she caught the bunny
What is fast, quickly, speedy etc..
The opening words of the story, "Before the Earth existed" tells us readers that this is going to be what type of story?
What is an Origin Myth
Knowing what the reading is about, you should start to dpo the following tasks.
What are ask questions, make predictions, and think about one's own personal knowledge on the topic.
This part of reading involves ensuring you get what the text is about.
What is monitoring your understanding.
After reading, doing this task will help you remember what you read and will help you explain in a concise manner what you read.
What is summarizing
Another word of sticks out or extended
What is protrude
Which one of these sayings expresses a cultural value clearly suggested by "The Earth on Turtle's Back"? A. Might makes right. B. If you don't succeed, try, try again. C. There's no place like home. D. The meek shall inherit the earth.
B: If you don't succeed, try, try again.
This word describes what you are doing when gathering information based on what you first see.
What is making inferences.
A few parts of reading involve having a dialogue with the texts, name them.
What are asking questions, making inferences, and making connections
After reading it is important to do this task in order to judge whether or not the information you read was valid and if the information you read was academic, informations, entertainment, etc...
What is to evaluate
These types of stories are traditional stories that recount the origins of earthly life. Passed down from generation or generation, these myths often explain such phenomena as the beginning of human life, the customs and religious rites of a people, the creation of natural landmarks, and events beyond a people's control.
What are Origin Myths
"The Earth on Turtle's Back" explains the origin of A. The sky B. The sea C. The earth D. The turtle
C. The Earth
This step involves noting ________ and ________ that you are unsure of.
What are challenging and unfamiliar words
The hardest part of reading might be doing the following task...
What is determining what is important.
If you read the text and you find you can't summarize it or understand what it is about about, what should you do?
What is RE-READ it!
The definition of an Archetype
What is are patterns in literature (or movies, tv shows) found throughout the world. Many cultures have a trickster character that represents the world’s ability to fool us, a mysterious guide who represents the belief that there are forces in the world to help us on quests, and so forth.
"The Earth on Turtle's Back" shows the importance the Onondaga placed on A. Dreams B. Rain C. Strength in battle D. Old Age
What is A. Dreams