If Ms. E, any other teacher or student is speaking... what should we be doing??
Respectful, quiet and eyes on the speaker. Never talking over others!
Where is your student station?
By the Homework board
What is Our Class is a Family for??
It's our rules and expectations of the Classroom. Let's read them!
Why is it important to listen while I'm speaking and not call out, fool around, or talk over me?
It's important because we are in school to learn and yes of course have fun too, but we cannot have fun if we do not follow directions and rules of the classroom.
What is the expectation for utilizing the whiteboards?
Not scribbling and doodling, using them for the task at hand (which is usually math) and putting down the marker when asked.
What is the Current Working Modes for??
To know our volume levels. For example when we should be quiet, working independently, and in a group. Let's read them
What is the waiting room for
In order to not interrupt me while I'm working with a small group or a student, pick a close pin and wait that number is called.
What is the routine for getting materials?
YOU must ask to get up and get the class materials.
You each have a bin at your group that we will fill with materials
Student supplies will be always by the pencil sharpener
Scrap paper will be at the bottom of rolling organizer
Treat all supplies with respect as they are being provided to you :)
What is our Morning Routine?
When entering the classroom:
Please come in quietly and start to unpack.
You will put your belongings on the hook where your number is.
Water bottles MUST be at the back ledge next to the “Hydration Station” sign
I will have Morning slides up every morning with the Math Do Now, and a 5 minute timer.
Once that timer goes off you need to be quiet in your seats and starting your Do Now.
4. I will then take attendance and get a lunch count.
5. After, we will stand to say the Pledge of Allegiance and then go over the Do Now.
What are our work time expectations??
When I’m teaching you are not speaking unless you raise your hand to answer a question or ask a question.
During group work, you are all being respectful, participating and letting each other speak.
During independent work, you are focused, quiet, on task, and ready to work and ask questions when needed.
During independent reading time you are quiet, focused on reading your book at your seat.
During small group work if you are not working at the back table, you you need to be quietly working while I’m working with others.
What are our group bins for? What should you have in your group bin?
In order to keep all of our items together
You should have:
- Whiteboards
-Dry erase markers
And anything else you like to keep to have easy access to.
What are our silent hand signals?
Emergency bathroom- shake fist
Bathroom- Fist
“I’m done” /Finished with your work - Thumbs Up
Raise hand to ask a question or speak. There will be no calling out!
1 finger up= Emergency Nurse
2 fingers up = Tissue
3 fingers up = Water break
4 fingers up= To sharpen pencil
What are our listening expectations??
When I’m teaching or speaking, another teacher, Mrs. LaGuardia, a substitute teacher, or any other adult is speaking you all need to be respectful, and have your eyes and ears open!!
In this class WE DO NOT tolerate talking over each other, not listening to directions, not listening to the teacher’s lesson and also not being respectful to our classmates!
We all need to respect each other and listen to one another when someone is speaking
When I’m working with a student in the back of the classroom you must put your close pin on the waiting room. You cannot interrupt me when I’m speaking with an adult or student. Please wait your turn.
If I have to speak to you more than 3 times, you will get a “Think Sheet” to take home and have your parents sign it.
What is the expectation for choosing books in the library?
- Always have 3 books in your seat sack. Make sure 2 books are always on your level and 1 book can be above your level.
Always make sure that you read the back and front cover and a few pages to make sure it's a just right book!
Treat the books gently and with respect.
Read quietly and enjoy reading time:)
What is our Individual and Whole Classroom management??
Punch cards:
There are 6 spots to be filled.
Punch cards will be filled by a smiley face stamp. You can earn these stamps by:
Exemplary behavior
Following directions the first time
Being a role model
Working hard
Being respectful and kind to classmates and teacher
After you have received all 6 punches, you can choose what reward you would like from the Coupon spot!
Star Jar:
You ALL will work together to reach our goal of how many stars we will fill the jar.
When the jar is full of stars for that certain goal, you will earn a group reward that you will vote on as a class to work towards.
For ex: show and tell day, crazy sock day, crazy hair day, movie day, treasure chest rewards, Kahoot, Blooket, etc. We will come up with rewards as a class and I will write it on the board next to the jar so you can all see.
You can earn stars by:
Working hard
Listening and following directions
Being respectful to each other and adults
Getting compliments from other teachers
Or anything positive in the classroom!