Tools for the classroom
What are my papers, pencils, and laptop
Instead of running I should....
What is: a food line
Students must eat in the __________
What is: The cafeteria (snacks from home can be eaten in the hallways)
When I enter every classroom, I should...
What is: hand my travel card to my teacher
One behavior expectation
What is: Raise hand, listening, quiet voice, remain seated (must say 1 for the points)
Students are not supposed to put their _____ on one another.
What is: hands, feet, body parts, etc.
Throwing food is n_____ a________.
What is: Never Allowed
I can purchase something from 201...
What is: during break, lunch, or after school (must say 1 to get points)
When I leave every class, I should...
What is: remember to get my travel card.
When a student is talking to me while the teacher is teaching...
What is: Ignore and remain quiet
If someone drops their belongings, it is good to...
What is: stop and help
What is: 10 minutes
I should do these things during break...
What is: check my phone, go to the bathroom, eat a snack, chat with my friends (must say 1 to get points)
3rd quarter expectations are...
What is: get a minimum of 7 signatures in order to earn my points.
When the bell rings, I should...
I can go to my locker during...
What is: before school, passing period, break, lunch, after school
You can bring your belongings into the cafeteria...True or False
What is: False. You must put your belongings in your locker. You can check your phone, but it stays in your locker.
Sometimes students must serve ____________ during break. It is my responsibility to show up.
What is: detention
All 8th grade students are required to...
What is: Get all signatures and turn in their travel card at the end of the day.
Going to the restroom should be done...
What is: during passing period, before class starts, at break, at lunch (must say 1 for the point)
If a teacher catches you doing something great, you will be entered into the computer for...
What is: Sawtooth Way
If I am missing something, I should check the...
What is: Lost and Found
If I knock on the door of room 201 and nobody answers, I should....
What is: go to the cafeteria or get a snack out of my backpack instead and accept that nobody was available.
If 8th graders don't get their travel cards signed...
What is: they will have lunch in room 201