Casey loved this time of year. she loved the bright red leaves on the trees, piles of leaves on sidewalks, and the decorated pumpkins and jack-o-lanterns showing up on people's steps and porches.
What season can the reader infer it is?
I can infer it is autumn
Where do you go to school?
I go to school at...
The school I attend is...
What is the Authors Purpose?...
Artic foxes can live in dens under the snow. They also often make their dens under logs.
Girl punch Boy
A character is:
A person or animal in a story, a play, or another literary work
Timmy flicked the light switch on and off, but nothing happened. He tried to turn on his TV, but it wouldn't come on either. He begun to worry because soon it would be dark and he was in the house alone.
Based on the reading, What can you INFER?
The power has gone out
What background knowledge did you use to determine the answer?
The background knowledge I used to determine the answer is...
What is the Authors Purpose?...
Spiders are scary because they can bite
Steve is shipwrecked on an island and has to survive the harsh climate.
Setting is:
The time and place of a story, play, or narrative poem
I walked into the kitchen, mom had the oven on. She was covered with flour, had sugar spilled all over the counter, and an empty chocolate chips wrapper. I asked what she was making, she smiled.
What can you INFER his mom was making?
Chocolate chip cookies
What was the authors purpose of writing this Newsletter?
The author purpose of writing this newsletter is to...
What is the Authors Purpose?...
A student union has to prepare a speech to their principal. They need him to agree to the terms of their contract or else!!!!
Dwight has been asked to move to another country for his dream job. However, this move will separate him from his family and friends. He can't decide the path he should chose.
What is the term for something that is alike or different
Trudy looked down; the sound of everyone's laughter burned in her ears. She felt her face grow warm and knew she was turning red. She wished she could just walk out of the classroom.
Based on this description, what can the reader INFER? How do you know?
A. Trudy is embarrassed
B. (Answers may vary)
In "The bees and wasps, and the hornet", how is the hornet's interest in the case different from the wasps?
The hornet's interest in the case is different from the wasps because...
What is the Authors Purpose?...
Trending candy may be deadly!!!
FDA announces new candy may cause heads to blow up. More Info to come soon.
All conflicts are PERSON V. PERSON
When something makes something else happen
Cause and Effect
Jonas loves going to this place to see his favorite animal. His favorite animal can be touched, has no bones, lays on the floor all day, can stick to things and eats algae.
Based on the description, make an inference what is Jonas favorite Animal and where do he have to go to see it?
A starfish and the aquarium
In "The Lion's share" and "The Bees and wasps, and the hornet," the main characters develop solutions to their problems. What similar problem do the main characters share? How do the main characters solve this problem?
1. A similar problem the main characters share is...
2. The main characters solve their problems by...
What is the Author's Purpose...
Steven ran quickly to the store because he saw the commercial for a new toy car. He had to have it! He was running and got distracted by a poster saying pizza is better than burgers he fell. After getting bit by a spider he gain powers and starting saving the world and never bought the car.
Mrs. Ingle tells her virtual class that they have an assignment with 250 questions to complete for homework tonight. All of the students start to unmute their microphones and complain that this isn't fair. This is an example of a ________ conflict.
Characteristics, Features, Examples