Breaking Down Words
Central Idea/Theme
Author's Purpose/Genres
Point of View

A prefix is found where?

At the beginning of a word.


What is the definition of theme?

The underlying message in a story.

What are the 3 main author's purpose?

1. To persuade

2. To entertain

3. To inform


Explicit information is:

A: Implied

B: Clearly Stated in the text

B: Clearly stated in the text


Which Point of View is when we know the thoughts, feelings and actions of all characters?

What is 3rd Person Omniscient 


A suffix is found where?

At the end of the word.


What is a central idea?

Also known as the main idea; this is the most important thought of the entire text and tells the reader the author's main point in writing.


Which genre has real information and real facts?

Non-Fiction or Informational Text


How do you make an inference?

You look for clues in the text.


What Point of View is when we only know the thoughts and feelings of one character?

What is 3rd Person limited. 


Break down the following word:


Not filled.


A theme is..

A: Implied

B: Clearly Stated

A: Implied


Which Genre has talking animals?

A fable


Tony walked out of the shopping mall with his arms full of bags and the sun shining on him. As he approached his car, he started awkwardly feeling around his pockets with his arm full of bags. He did not find what he was looking for so he transferred the bags on one arm to the other arm, which already had bags. Tony had a lot of bags on one arm. He still couldn't find what he was looking for. Now he dropped the bags and plunged both hands desperately into all of the pockets on his jeans. With a look of despair, Tony ran to his car. He tried to open the door, but it was locked. Then he saw something on the passenger seat of the car. He stopped looking and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

What can you infer?

His keys are on the seat.


Brian could not bear to be on the roof of the skyscraper any longer. He wasn't usually afraid of heights, but the wind was so strong and Rufus kept messing with him. "Would you try to land on your feet or your head?" Rufus asked with a straight face. Rufus could tell that he was getting to Brian, which only encouraged him to keep going. "Let's go look over the edge, Brian," suggested Rufus, knowing full well that Brian would refuse.

What is the Point of View?

Third-Person Omniscient


Break down the following word:


To not infect-Use something to clean. 


In his sophomore year of high school, basketball legend Michael Jordan tried out for the varsity basketball team. But at five feet and eleven inches tall, the coach believed that Jordan was too short to play. The coach cut Jordan from the team. Jordan didn’t let this obstacle defeat him. In fact, it pushed him to work even harder. He trained vigorously and grew another four inches the following summer. The next year, Jordan made the varsity squad. He averaged 25 points a game and went on to become one of the greatest basketball players in history.

What is the theme?

Never give up-persistence pays off. Also, don't judge a book by its cover.


A speech written by a famous basketball player urging young people to stay in school.

What is the author's purpose?

In Persuade.


Gloria was driving around the neighborhood in her pajamas. Every block or so she'd stop the car, hold her head out of the door, whistle, and call out "Candy! Candy! Come here girl!" Then she'd start the car again and slowly drive another block or two, looking around from left to right. Curtis sat in the passenger seat. He was looking around too, but he held his head low. "How many times have I told you to make sure that you shut and lock the door after you come in?" Gloria reprimanded Curtis. Curtis sighed.

What can you infer?

I infer that their dog is lost.


The stars were burning brightly in the night sky. The evening breeze felt cool on my skin. It was the last night of summer break and I was calm, oddly calm. It's not that I was excited to go back to school. I wasn't. School is a lot of work for me. But I was excited to see my friends again, and I knew that she would be there.

What is the Point of View?

First Person.


Break down the following word:


To make smaller.


Screech! When a driver pushes on the brake pedal, it initiates a process that causes the vehicle to stop in motion. We literally trust  braking systems with our lives every time we get into a vehicle or cross at a busy intersection. How does this life-critical process work? It begins when the pedal is pushed. At this moment brake fluid is released into the braking mechanisms. As the fluid collects, this creates a leverage, which causes a friction to be applied. This friction will create a force that will cause the wheels to stop and allow you to reach your destination safely.  Beep! Beep!

What is the main idea?

Braking stystems


 A booklet containing the school rules and the consequences for violating those rules.

To inform.


What can you infer about this situation?

A store with multiple signs that tell you which direction to go. 

To keep everyone in some sort of order to avoid crowding.


Chad tightened his grip on the rope. He could feel his fingers weakening. "Come on, Chad! Pull! We're losing ground!" shouted his teammate George. Chad gazed at the mud puddle toward which he and George were being dragged. Then he looked up at his opponents. They were screaming something, but Chad couldn't quite hear it. The muscles in his arms and shoulders were tightening. "It's now or never!" George shouted. Chad dug his heels in the dirt and pulled with all his strength.

What is the Point of View?

Third-Person Limited