On which day of creation did God create Adam & Eve
Day 6
Why did God create Eve for Adam? ( 2 answers)
Because he was alone and needed a helper
What was God creating when he brought Eve to Adam?
What is the memory verse we are working on?
Psalm 8:5-6
What did God use to create Adam?
The dust of the earth
What did God make sure that this helper would be to Adam?
That she would be "fit" for Adam
How long should people stay married according to the Bible?
For life
Who has been made lower than the heavenly beings?
What did God do to bring Adam to life?
He breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
What did God use to create Eve?
Adam's rib
What is God's perfect plan for marriage?
One man and one woman for life.
According to our verses, God crowned mankind with what two things?
Glory & honor
Where did God place Adam to live?
The garden in Eden
What was Adam doing when God took his rib and created Eve?
According to this passage, what responsibility has God given man?
Dominion over the earth
What did Adam give to every living creature?
A name
What does the word "Eve" mean?
What does it mean that man has dominion over the earth?
That man has rule over everything on earth.