Mars ________ at almost exactly the same speed as Earth.
The atmosphere on Mars c_______ ___ 96% carbon dioxide and less than 0.2% oxygen.
consist of
The average temperature on Mars is _______℃.
You don’t have to struggle to _____ weight on Mars.
Above all, you could enjoy the ________ scenery on Mars.
On Mars, you’ll get extra time in the day to do the things you want to do–like _________ ___!
The air on Earth is about 21% oxygen and 78% ________.
If it were not for a shelter specially designed to protect you, you would not ______ the cold.
[해석] That is not completely good news.
그것은 완전 좋은 소식은 아니다.
Mars is home to the highest _______ and the deepest, longest _______ in the solar system.
mountain, valley
[해석] That’s nothing compared to the extra time you’ll get in a year.
니가 일년동안 가질 추가 시간과 비교하면 아무것도 아니다.
(NASA, scientist, to, at , according)
according to scientists at NASA,
More serious is that giant ____ ____ storms frequently cover the entire planet.
red dust
Our muscles and bones have to work to stand up the ______ force of Earth’s ________.
against, gravity
Other attractions of the Martian scenery are the two moons, ______ and _______.
Phobos, Deimos
Seasons on Mars are about ________ ___ ____ ___ they are on Earth. (두배 더 긴)
twice as long as
화성에서 산소를 어떻게 얻을 수 있나?
극지만년설과 행성표면 아래에 있는 물의 수소와 산소 원자로 분리하여
Mars lacks the we have ______ ______ ______ in Earth’s atmosphere. (보호 오존층)
protective ozone layer
______ to the reduced gravity on Mars, our muscles would quickly _______.
Due, shrink.
Maybe we’re on Mars because of the _____ ______ that can be done there
magnificent science
On Mars, in one year you can enjoy about seven months of spring, six months of summer, _ ____ _____ _____ ______ months of fall, and only about four months of winter.
a little more than five
[영작] 만약 니가 화성에서 공기를 들이마실려고 시도한다면
If you try breathing the air on Mars
Therefore, don’t forget to take some serious sunscreen with you, like SPF 1000. _______, you would get severely __________ there.
Otherwise, sunburned
다리 근육 질량의 3분의 1을 잃었다.
[영작] 나는 내가 당신과 함께 있기를 소망한다. (hint: 현재 이룰수 없는 소망을 반대로 가정하고 있음)
I wish I was with you.