... the bed
Make the bed
Maria eat / eats fruit for her breakfast.
Maria eats fruit for her breakfast.
doesn’t / an / Sarah / instrument / play .
Sarah doesn't play an intrument.
________ you watch TV in the morning? Yes, ...
Do you watch TV in the morning? Yes, I do.
to music
... home
Go home
I work /works with animals.
I work with animals.
practises / week / The / every / choir .
The choir practises every week.
________ he want some water? Yes, ...
Does he want some water? Yes, he does.
... up early
Get up early
My mother don't teach / doesn´t teach English at my school.
My mother doesn´t teach English at my school.
online / chats / friends / She / to / her .
She chats to her friends online.
________ she wash her hair every day? No, ...
Does she wash her hair every day? No, she doesn't.
an instrument
... lunch
Have lunch
John love / loves to go swimming.
John loves to go swimming.
go / school / I / to / Saturday / on / don’t .
I don't go to school on Saturday.
________ they get up early at the weekend? No,...
Do they get up early at the weekend? No, they don't.
Hang out
with friends
... changed
Get hanged
They don't play / doesn't play computer games after school.
They don't play computer games after school.
comes / the / Alex / house / my / at / to / weekend .
Alex comes to my house at the weekend.
________ your school do free running? Yes,...
Does your school do free running? Yes, it does.