Switch Da Code!
True or False.
Fill In The Blanks
Wild Card WBL Trivia

Where are some places you might have to advocate for yourself?

At home, in a doctor's office, school, or place of employment.


Many bilingual children lose much of their first language as they go through the U.S school system and their exposure to English increases. True or False?



Code Switching is done most by bilingual speakers. True or False?

True. Speakers of more than one language are known for their ability to code switch or mix their language during communication.


You teach people how to treat you in the following ways:

"By ____and ______."

" By setting boundaries and expectations."


It is okay to skip payments on the card as long as it gets paid next month. True or False?

FALSE. In order to increase the chances of your credit score going up, it is best that you pay the minimum balance each month on its due date.


Self advocacy is a fast track career advancement method. True or False?

TRUE. Most jobs are competitive environments where everyone is looking to move forward, so it's crucial that you learn to advocate for yourself in order to move ahead.


What year did the board of Oakland, California approve the use of Ebonics?



There is more than one type of code switching. True or False?

True. There are 3 types. Tag, inter sentential, and intra sentential.


A checking account is an account that allows you to easily ____ and ______ money for daily transactions.

A type of bank account that allows you to easily deposit and withdraw money for daily transactions.



Opposition, a clash of opposing ideas, disagreement, fight or battle, contention, hostility. 


It is best to focus on your feelings and let them get the best of you when advocating for yourself in the workplace. True or False?

FALSE. A key part of being an effective self-advocate is to not let your emotions get the best of you when engaging in difficult conversations. Instead of focusing on your feelings, highlight concrete examples of why you deserve what you want and do so in a calm. Additionally, avoid blaming anyone. 


Ebonics is often used in code switching.  What is another name for Ebonics?

The more formal name for Ebonics is African American Vernacular English(AAVE).


50-60% of the US is considered to be working class. True or False?

FALSE. Current stats show that 30-35% of the US is considered to be working class.


Try to understand the other person's ________ before you try to get him/her to understand yours.



A slip of paper that provides a written order to pay money as instructed.

A Check.


An employer is allowed to seek retaliation against someone for speaking out against something. True or False?

False. There are laws/rights set in place to protect employees against workplace harassment. 


The following is an example of code switching.

"Come on Susan, hurry up! Rapido!"

True or False?

True. The person speaking switched from English to Spanish mid sentence.

Rent is considered to be a variable cost.

FALSE. Rent is considered to be a fixed cost being that it is a set amount monthly.


There are ___ income levels in the US.

There are 3 income levels in the US.


What is a budget?

A way to keep track of money you are going to spend.


You do NOT need to set up boundaries in order to self advocate. True or False?


  1. Setting boundaries and expectations

  2. Helping others to understand exactly what you need and what your        
    requirements are

  3. What kind of support you need in order to perform effectively at work


Which person will most likely be exposed to code switching?
A) A Chinese woman growing up in Beverly Hills, CA.
B)Ethiopian man growing up in an upper class family in Manhattan.
C)Latina woman growing up in Aspen, Colorado.
D)Hawaiian man growing up in Compton, CA.

The correct answer is D. Due to isolation of the culture in Hawaii, it is rare to see the culture anywhere else, thus making the Hawaiian man assimilate to the Compton lifestyle.


African Americans are the only group of people who participate in code switching.

False. People of all colors, races, and ethnicities can code switch.


Code switching can not only pertain to how you speak but ___ ___ __ and ___ ______.

Code switching can not only pertain to how you speak but how you act and carry yourself.


What is considered to be a middle class income in NYC?

A. $43,000+
B. $55,000+
C. $70,000+

The correct answer is B. Middle class income is classified as $55,390 and above in NYC.