Must, have to, can
Used to
For and since
Comparatives and superlatives
Passive voice

Debes completar tu tarea antes del receso. (order).

You must complete your homework before the break.


Solía tocar el piano cuando era niño, pero ya no lo toco.

I used to play the piano when I was a child, but I don't play it anymore.


I have lived in this city _______ five years.

I have lived in this city for five years.


El guepardo es más rápido que cualquier otro animal terrestre.

The cheetah is faster than any other land animal.


The team writes the report every month.

The report is written by the team every month.


Los estudiantes no deben hacer trampa durante los exámenes. (rule)

Students mustn't cheat during exams.


Solíamos ir a acampar todos los veranos, pero hace años que no vamos.

We used to go camping every summer, but we haven't gone in years.


She has worked at the company ________ 2010.

She has worked at the company since 2010.


El Monte Everest es la montaña más alta del mundo.

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.


My sister bakes the cake for special occasions.

The cake is baked by my sister for special occasions


Tengo que asistir a una reunión mañana a las 10 a.m. (external obligation)

I have to attend a meeting at 10 AM tomorrow.


Lisa solía trabajar muchas horas, pero ahora tiene un horario más relajado.

Lisa used to work long hours, but now she has a more relaxed schedule.


We have known each other _________ a long time.

We have known each other for a long time.


El verano en Arizona es más caluroso que en muchos otros estados.

Summer in Arizona is hotter than in many other states.


The famous author wrote the novel in the 19th century.

The novel was written by the famous author in the 19th century.


No es necesario que traigas ningún regalo a la fiesta, pero te lo agradeceríamos.

You don't have to bring a gift to the party, but it would be appreciated.


Antes no me gustaba leer, pero ahora es uno de mis pasatiempos favoritos.

I didn't use to enjoy reading, but now it's one of my favorite hobbies.


I have been practicing yoga _______ the past six months.

I have been practicing yoga for the past six months.


El río Nilo es más largo que cualquier otro río de África.

The Nile River is longer than any other river in Africa


The postal service delivers the letters every day.

The letters are delivered by the postal service every day.


Ella puede hablar tres idiomas con fluidez.

She can speak three languages fluently.


Mark no solía hacer ejercicio con regularidad, pero ahora va al gimnasio todos los días.

Mark didn't use to exercise regularly, but now he goes to the gym every day.


My parents have owned the house _______ three decades.

My parents have owned the house for three decades.


La ballena azul es el animal más pesado del planeta.

The blue whale is the heaviest animal on the planet


Skilled engineers built the bridge over a century ago.

The bridge was built by skilled engineers over a century ago.