This emphasis within exercise science focuses on the structures of the body.
What is anatomy?
What is the National Athletic Training Association?
The practice of regular bathing, exercising, and maintaining a balanced diet to maintain and prevent the spread of disease.
What is hygiene?
It may be 0% of your final grade but this grading category is still an essential part of our classroom experience.
What is formative?
I was born in this country.
What is Canada?
Studies the interactions between bones, joints and muscles.
What is kinesiology?
What is the American Medical Association?
Known as Orsippus of Megara, this Olympic competitor is recorded as the first to ever to compete under what pretense?
What is nude?
These grading categories make up the MHS Grading Policy.
What are formative, assignments, assessments, and final?
This is the finger that is shorter then it's opposition due to injury and improper medical care.
What is my left pinkie?
This field of study within exercise science promotes exercise for everyone's benefit.
What is exercise epidemiology?
What is the International Society of Sports Nutrition?
In Ancient Greece, areas dedicated to physical exercise and sports. Also served as social gathering places.
What are gymnasiums?
Assessments are this percentage of your final grade.
What is 60%
This is the number of times that I have broken my nose.
What is three?
Practitioners and researchers seek to increase, performance, motivation, and enjoyment of exercise.
The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and American Council on Exercise (ACE) all certify people in which common discipline?
What is personal trainer?
The competitive spirit or striving for excellence. It was believed to be an important part of achieving a healthy balance in life.
What is Agon?
Grading category including our weekly quizzes.
What is assessments?
I strive to follow the methods set forth by this early education philosopher.
Who is Socrates?
Exercise scientists in this field work to apply the physical laws of the world to better understand the forces involved in movement.
What is biomechanics?
This organization, known by the acronym ASEP, hosts registries of coaches and officials.
What is the American Sports Education Program?
The first recorded Olympic champion. A baker from Elis.
Who was Coroebus?
The three assignment types within the final grading category.
What are tests, projects, presentations?
The number of times I lost the Montana High School Chess State Championship to my younger brother.
What is two?