1. A number which produces a specific quantity when multiplied by itself. It is the positive nth root of a number.
Principal root
2. The square of a rational number.
perfect square
3. A number that can be expressed in the form 𝑎/𝑏, where a and b are integers, and b is not equal to 0.
rational number
4. A number whose decimal representation is neither terminating nor repeating. This number cannot be expressed as a quotient of integers.
irrational number
8. It is a process of making an inference out of something by putting a possible end to its feature like length, weight, or even volume.
9. It is the amount of space an object contains or occupies.
10. The base SI unit for volume is the _______.
cubic meter
11. The commonly used English unit for volume is the ______.
cubic feet
12. Which of these measuring devices will you use to measure a temperature?
13. It is the base SI unit for temperature
14. How many years are there in 5 centuries?
20. How many years are there in 1 decade and 5 years?
15 years
22. What is the normal body temperature?
37 degrees celcius
23. It is a 3-dimensional figure having parallel circular bases.
24. The amount of space occupied by any 3-dimensional figure.
45. This subset is exactly like the subset of counting numbers that includes zero "0."
whole number
47. This subset includes whole number (not a fractional number) that can be positive, negative, or zero.
49. This subset includes all numbers that "come to an end" or numbers that repeat and have a pattern.
48. This subset includes numbers that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers.
50. This subset has decimal that goes on forever without any repeating pattern.
40. A set with no element is an ______ set.
41. It is the set that contains all objects under consideration.
42. Is the set containing all elements that are in A or in B.
43. The set that consist of all elements that is common to both in A and B.
44. This subset consists of all positive integers that we use to count starting with "1" and so on.