PASS method, fire extinguisher , fire blanket, rally point, lockdown, shelter in place, hazardous, PPE.


what are the symbols of dimensional kinematics?

X, Vo, Vf, T,A,G


what are the symbols of vectors/conversion?

X, Y, |R,0


what the symbols for Newton`s law/forces?

W, Fa, Ff, Fn, m, a,g


what are the symbols for horizontal projectile motion?

X, V0x, Vtx, t,Ax, g,y, V0y, Vty


After completing an experiment, all chemical wastes should be?

A. left at your lab station for the next class. 

B. disposed of according to your instructor’s directions. 

C. dumped in the sink. 

D. taken home. 

disposed of according to your instructor’s directions.


 If an object has an acceleration of 0 m/s2, then one can be sure that the object is not  ____.

a. moving

b. changing position

c. changing velocity

changing velocity


Given the SCALE: 1 cm = 10 m, represent the vector 50 m, 30-degrees by a scaled vector diagram

The vector 50 m, 30-degrees (SCALE: 1 cm = 10 m) would look like this:


Which of the following statements are true of inertia? List all that apply.

  1. Inertia is a force.
  2. Inertia is a force which keeps stationary objects at rest and moving objects in motion at constant velocity.
  3. Inertia is a force which brings all objects to a rest position.
  4. All objects have inertia.
  5. A more massive object has more inertia than a less massive object.
  6. Fast-moving objects have more inertia than slow-moving objects.
  7. An object would not have any inertia in a gravity-free environment (if there is such a place).
  8. Inertia is the tendency of all objects to resist motion and ultimately stop.
  9. In a gravity-free environment (should there be one), a person with a lot of inertia would have the same ability to make a turn as a person with a small amount of inertia



The acceleration of a freely falling object. It's value near the surface of the Earth is about 9.8 m/s

Acceleration due to gravity


Flammable materials, like

A. an open door. 

B. an open flame. 

C. another student. 

D. a sink. 

alcohol, should never be dispensed or used near

an open flame


Which one of the following is NOT consistent with a car which is accelerating?

  1. A car is moving with an increasing speed.
  2. A car is moving with a decreasing speed.
  3. A car is moving with a high speed.
  4. A car is changing direction

4. a car is moving with high speed


Given the SCALE: 1 cm = 5 m/s, represent the vector 35 m/s, 270-degrees by a scaled vector diagram.

The vector 35 m/s, 270-degrees (SCALE: 1 cm = 5 m/s) would look like this:


According to Newton's third law, every force is accompanied by an equal and opposite reaction force. The reason that these forces do not cancel each other is ____.

a. the action force acts for a longer time period 

b. the two forces are not always in the same direction

c. one of the two forces is greater than the other

d. the two forces act upon different objects; only forces on the same object can balance each other.

e. ... nonsense! They do cancel each other. Objects accelerate because of the presence of a third force


Equality formula



You want to place a piece of glass tubing into a rubber stopper after the tubing has been fire polished and cooled. This is best done by 

A. lubricating the tubing with water or glycerin. 

B. using a towel or cotton gloves for protection. 

C. twisting the tubing and stopper carefully. 

D. all of the above. 

all of the above.


a fullback is running down the football field in a straight line. He starts at the 0-yard line at 0 seconds. At 1 second, he is on the 10-yard line; at 2 seconds, he is on the 20-yard line; at 3 seconds, he is on the 30-yard line; and at 4 seconds, he is on t

  1. he is accelerating
  2. he is covering a greater distance in each consecutive second.
  3. he is moving with a constant speed (on average).

he 40-yard line. This is evidence that

3. he is moving with a constant speed (on average).


what`s the vocabulary of vector`s/conversion?

Scalar, vector, resultant, components of vectors, horizontal component, vertical component, gig-, mega-, hecta-, kilo- deca-, centi-, micro-.


Which of the following statements are true of an object that experiences balanced forces (or unbalanced forces)? List all that apply.

  1. If a person is moving to the right, then the forces acting upon it are NOT balanced.
  2. A balance of forces is demonstrated by an object which is slowing to a stop.
  3. It would take an unbalanced force to keep an object in motion.
  4. If an object is moving with a constant speed in a circle, then the forces acting upon the object are balanced.
  5. If an object is accelerating at a constant rate of acceleration, then the forces acting upon the object are balanced.
  6. It is NOT possible for just three forces to be acting upon an object and they still balance each other.
  7. A free-falling object experiences a balance of forces.
  8. Balanced forces cause stationary objects to remain at rest and moving objects to come to rest.
  9. Unbalanced forces cause objects to move

 None of these are true, though one might make a strong argument for I


Formula to find Dx



True or False

Pipets are used to measure and dispense small amounts of liquids. You should draw the liquid into the pipet using your mouth.



A fullback is running down the football field in a straight line. He starts at the 0-yard line at 0 seconds. At 1 second, he is on the 10-yard line; at 2 seconds, he is on the 20-yard line; at 3 seconds, he is on the 30-yard line; and at 4 seconds, he is on the 40-yard line. What is the player's acceleration

0 m/s/s


Given the SCALE: 1 cm = 50 km/hr, determine the magnitude and direction of this vector. 

The direction is 225 degrees (the counter-clockwise angle of rotation from due East).

 The magnitude is 160 km/hr; 3.2 cm in length multiplied by the factor (50 km/hr)/1 cm


Little Billie weighs 360 N on Earth. What is Little Billie's mass on the moon where the force of gravity is approximately 1/6-th that of Earth's? ________

~36 kg


a soccer ball is kicked horizontally off a 22.0-meter high hill and lands a distance of 35.0 meters from the edge of the hill. Determine the initial horizontal velocity of the soccer ball

Horizontal Info:Vertical Info:                    x = 35.0 m                    y = -22.0 m                    vix = ???                    viy = 0 m/s                    ax = 0 m/s/s                    ay = -9.8 m/s/s

    Use y = viy • t + 0.5 • ay • t2 to solve for time; the time of flight is 2.12 seconds.

    Now use x = vix • t + 0.5 • ax • t2 to solve for vix

    Note that ax is 0 m/s/s so the last term on the right side of the equation cancels. By substituting 35.0 m for x and 2.12 s for t, the vix can be found to be 16.5 m/s