Chinese Geography
Dynasties & Philosophies
Literary Vocab and Concepts
SURPRISE! Random! Grab Bag!

Chinese history and culture developed primarily in ___________ China. 

A. Inner

B. Outer

What is  A. Inner (China).


Which philosophy of China is represented by this symbol? Why? 

What is Daoism/Taoism. This symbol embodies the concept of balance - without darkness there is no light. Without hate we cannot appreciate love. Everything in nature is grounded in its opposite.


Who is the smaller figure in this image? What secret society is he apart of?

Who is Little Bao. He is part of the Boxer Rebellion/Boxers/Brotherhood of the Righteous and Harmonious Fists/Big Sword Society.


What literary term describes the words below?

What is onomatopoeia.


This is the Zhou belief that the right to rule China is granted by the gods.

What is the Mandate of Heaven.


TRUE or FALSE: The Gobi Desert's name translates literally to "once you go in, you'll never come out."

What is FALSE; that is the translation of the Taklamakan Desert!


What historical period caused the 3 major philosophies to develop in China?

What is the Warring States Period. The chaos, destruction and instability caused hundreds of thinkers or "schools of thought" to develop. In these schools  humans struggled to explain their behavior and develop ideas on how to sustain an organized peaceful society.


Who is the larger man in black in this image? 

Who is Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi.


In literature, ________ is a technique when a warning or indication of (a future event) is presented. 

What is foreshadowing.


Name and explain one way sugar changed the world. 

Answers will vary but may include: 

- subsistence agriculture to large-scale cash crops/plantation system.

- enslavement of Africans and indigenous peoples of the Caribbean.

- abhorrent conditions for aforementioned enslaved individuals. 

- creation of culture/acts of resistance (dances, music, etc.)

- triangle trade and the opening of new markets. 

- Etc!


Why is the Yellow River called the "yellow river"?

What is the Yellow River gets its signature tint from the loess (silt) deposited in the riverbed from the nearby Gobi Desert. The silt deposits collect giving the water the sunshine-y hue.


“Be kind to your son.  For he will follow your example all of the days of his life.”  Which philosopher most likely said this?

A. Laozi

B. Hanfeizi

C. Confucius

D. Siddhartha

What is C. Confucius. 


Who is this character? What society does she belong to? 

Who is Mei Wen. She is the leader of the Red Lantern society. 


What is this? Pick one of the points on the graph and define it. 

What is a story arc. 

- Inciting incident: The inciting incident of a story is the event that sets the main character or characters on the journey that will occupy them throughout the narrative. Typically, this incident will upset the balance within the main character's world.

- Rising action: Rising action is the section of a story that leads toward its climax. Because of the increased tension as a book's central conflict (or conflicts) become clear, the rising action is often what keeps you turning the pages.

- Climax: Within literature, the climax is the most intense moment within a story, marking a turning point for the protagonist as they confront the main conflict.

- Falling action: Falling action is the period of time in a story that follows the climax and leads to the resolution. It can be used to clarify the events of the climax, ease any built-up tension, or wrap up loose ends.

- Resolution: Provides the final conclusion to the story.


What does it mean when a team goes from norming to performing?

What is when a team is working effectively to meet their goal. Norming is the normal state of group work, when things are positive and productive. The group may or may not meet their goal. Performing is one step further - the team is highly effective, generally joyful, and will CERTAINLY meet their goal or exceed it.


Why is the Yellow River known as the "river of sorrow" in Chinese history?

What is the Yellow River is known as China's river of sorrows because it was prone to destructive and deadly floods. In 1887 the Yellow River flooded causing millions of dollars in damage, and costing millions of people their lives.


What dynasty adopted the ideas of Confucius by instituting civil service exams to expand their bureaucracy?

What is the Han dynasty. The Han dynasty believed, like Confucius, that leaders should set the best example for their people. Accordingly, government officials or bureaucrats were selected on ability rather than birth/rank.


Who are the "devils" presented in Boxers? Who are the "secondary devils"?

What are Christians. Secondary devils throughout the book are native-Chinese who convert.

___________ is the use of words or images to symbolize specific concepts, people, objects, or events. In some cases, it is broad and used to communicate a work's theme, like Aslan the lion in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe as a symbol of Christ. In other texts, like the Red Pencil it might be an individual object such as the Fanta Bottle, Sudanese flowers (pictured) or the Flicker Box.

What is symbolism. 


Identify TWO graphic novel text features in this cartoon. 

What is... answers will vary but may include: 

- Gutter

-Panel (3)

- Speech boxes (4)

- Tier (1)

- There are NO thought bubbles or captions in this image.


What river is home to these highly valuable critters who produce one of China's most profitable exports?

What is the Pearl River. (It's a silk worm!)


What dynasty and their actions are depicted in this image? 

What is the Qin dynasty. In this image they are burning Confucian books and killing "opinionated" scholars by throwing them into a pit. 


Who is this? What choice does he make at the beginning of Boxers that helps to form Little Bao's (negative) opinion of foreigners? 

Who is Father Bey. He destroys the statue of Tu Di Gong. 


_______________ is a style of literary fiction and art. It paints a realistic view of the world while also adding magical elements, often blurring the lines between fantasy and reality.

What is magical realism. ​​​​

In what year was Wildwood School founded? 

What is 1971. The secondary school (M/U) opened in 2000.