Care of the dying
Signs of Death
What is a living will?
a document that discusses one's preferences about care intended to sustain life. Not a legally enforceable document.
True or False. During the 5 stages of Kubler-Ross's stages of grief, a person moves through each stage sequentially.
False. People can move back and forth between stages.
What are the goals of palliative care?
assist in controlling pain and symptoms of illness ensure that death is a natural process provide compassionate care
True or False. There is a loss of movement, muscle tone and sensation when a client is approaching death.
True or False. The palliative or hospice care team consists of many different people and supports.
True. Can consist of caregivers, support workers, hospice volunteers, spiritual advisor, physician, physio, social worker, nurse
What is postmortem care?
Care of the body after death
What does the "barganing" stage involve?
Person tries to postpone the loss and hope the loss can be prevented.
What are some ways that you as an HCA can help meet a client's emotional/social/spiritual/intellectual needs?
Listening Touch Respect
What happens with a clients pulse and BP when death is near?
Pulse is fast, weak and irregular BP can start to fall
Why is an advanced directive important?
So the client can receive the care they wish to have. To assist the health care team in providing appropriate client centered care.
What is an advanced directive?
legal document in which a person states their wishes about the future health care, treatments and personal care they wish to receive. This document needs to be signed when the person is in a healthy sound state of mind.
In this stage the person may feel overwhelmed and lonely and may withdraw from others. What stage is this?
Clients who are dying require specific care to meet their physical needs, what are they (there are 10).
Pain relieve and comfort Comfort & positioning Vision and eye care Hearing-one of the last functions to be lost, always assume the client can hear you--offer words of comfort Speech- clients may have difficulty speaking, anticipate their needs, ask yes or no questions, do not tire client with questions. Mouth Care Nostril Care Skin Care Elimination (incontinence will happen, ensure client is clean and dry, follow plan of care) Nutrition- keep in mind that nutritional needs decrease as the body can no longer deal with digesting food
What is "mottled" refer to?
it refers to the coloration of skin when a client is dying. It looks blue/purplish in color and is cool to the touch.
What are your goals as an HCA in terms of supporting family members during a time of grief?
know there may not be words, use touch to show concern, listen, give them break relief as they sit with their loved one
What is rigor mortis?
the stiffness or rigidity of skeletal muscles that occurs after death.
The stage in which a person refuses to believe that anything is wrong is called _______.
what does DNR mean?
Do Not Resusitate A DNR order comes from a physician.
What are some changes in the respiratory system in a dying client?
Increased secretions, presence of cheyne stokes respiration,
True or False. As an HCA, after a client has passed you will have full responsibility for the postmortem care.
False! You may assist during this process, but you will not have to carry the full responsibility of this task.
Define grief:
the process of moving from deep sorrow caused by loss toward healing and recovery
What is the final stage of Kubler-Ross's stages of grief?
what will you do if you go into a clients room and they are no longer breathing?
call for help and find out if they have a DNR order. ABCs
True or False. Abdominal distention, fecal incontinence, urinary incontinence or both as well as nausea and vomiting are common occurrences in a dying person
True. WHY??
You are all getting close to being finished the HCA program! What are you going to make sure to do for yourself to stay happy and healthy??