Attitude Flying
ATC and Airspace

What two things does the miniature aircraft of the turn coordinator display?

Initially rate of bank and then directly rate of turn.


Approximately what percent of the indicated vertical speed should be used to determine the number of feet to lead the level-off from a climb to a specific altitude?

10 percent.


Which DME indication should you receive when you are directly over a VORTAC site at approximately 15,000 feet AGL?

2.5 NM


What are the minimum qualifications for a person who occupies the other control seat as safety pilot during simulated instrument flight?

Private pilot certificate with appropriate category and class ratings for the aircraft.


Which clearance items are always given in an abbreviated IFR departure clearance? (Assume radar environment.)

Destination airport, altitude, DP Name, Number, and/or Transition, if appropriate.


If, while in level flight, it becomes necessary to use an alternate source of static pressure vented inside the airplane, which of the following should the pilot expect?

The altimeter to read higher than normal.


Why must the pitch attitude be increased to maintain a constant altitude during a coordinated turn?

Vertical component of lift has decreased as the result of the bank.


When flying directly over a published airborne VOR checkpoint, what is the maximum error allowed for IFR flight?

Plus or minus 6° of the designated radial.


How long does a pilot meet the recency of experience requirements for IFR flight after successfully completing an instrument proficiency check if no further IFR flights are made?

6 calendar months.


A “CRUISE FOUR THOUSAND FEET” clearance would mean that the pilot is authorized to

vacate 4,000 feet without notifying ATC.


What should be the indication on the magnetic compass as you roll into a standard rate turn to the right from a south heading in the Northern Hemisphere?

The compass will indicate a turn to the right, but at a faster rate than is actually occurring.


If a half-standard-rate turn is maintained, how long would it take to turn 135°?

1 minute 30 seconds.


When using VOR for navigation, which of the following should be considered as station passage?

The first positive, complete reversal of the TO-FROM indicator.


If an unpressurized aircraft is operated above 12,500 feet MSL, but not more than 14,000 feet MSL, for a period of 2 hours 20 minutes, how long during that time is the minimum flightcrew required to use supplemental oxygen?

1 hour 50 minutes.


What does the ATC term “Radar Contact” signify?

Your aircraft has been identified on the radar display and radar flight-following will be provided until radar identification is terminated.


Below 18,000 feet what must you set your altimeter to to obtained pressure altitude?

setting the altimeter to 29.92 inches Hg.


Which instrument provides the most pertinent information for pitch control in straight-and-level flight?



Where can the VOT frequency for a particular airport be found?

In the Chart Supplement.


What are the minimum weather conditions that must be forecast to list an airport as an alternate when the airport has no approved IAP?

The ceiling and visibility at ETA must allow descent from MEA, approach, and landing, under basic VFR.


Which sources of aeronautical information, when used collectively, provide the latest status of airport conditions (e.g., runway closures, runway lighting, snow conditions)? List all

- Aeronautical Information Manual

- Aeronautical charts

- NOTAMs (D)

- Chart Supplement


Chart Supplement and NOTAMs (D).


During normal flight with a vacuum driven attitude indicator, control pressures normally should not move the horizon bar more than

One-half bar width, with not more than an additional one-half bar width for normal flight deviations.


During a skidding turn to the right, what is the relationship between the component of lift, centrifugal force, and load factor?

Centrifugal force is greater than horizontal lift and the load factor is increased.


How can a pilot determine if a Global Positioning System (GPS) installed in an aircraft is approved for IFR en route and IFR approaches?

 Flight manual supplement.


Which publication covers the procedures required for aircraft accident and incident reporting responsibilities for pilots?

NTSB Part 830.


Why is wake turbulence near maximum behind a jet transport just after takeoff?

Due to the high angle of attack and high gross weight.