Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word "scream"?

A. The artist's latest painting was truly a scream, capturing the vibrant emotions of the scene.

B. When the haunted house tour was over, everyone let out a loud scream of excitement.

C. The scientist presented a new theory that could potentially scream new insights into the field.

D. During the meeting, the manager tried to scream the new policies to everyone clearly.

B. When the haunted house tour was over, everyone let out a loud scream of excitement.


After applying for the scholarship, she was excited to r________e an email confirming her acceptance into the program.



Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word "mostly"?

A. She __________ enjoys reading mystery novels on weekends.

B. The team __________ finished their project last week and is now focusing on new goals.

C. The weather here is __________ sunny, with only occasional rainy days.

D. They __________ use public transportation to reduce their carbon footprint.

A. She mostly enjoys reading mystery novels on weekends.

C. The weather here is mostly sunny, with only occasional rainy days.

D. They mostly use public transportation to reduce their carbon footprint.


She didn't want to e________s her friend by pointing out the mistake in front of everyone.



When you read a good book, it’s easy to i_____ the characters and settings in your mind.



Which of the following sentences correctly uses the phrase "be fond of"?

A. She is fond of running every morning to stay fit and healthy.

B. He was fond of the new software update and quickly installed it on his computer.

C. They are fond of discussing politics during lunch breaks, which often leads to debates.

D. I am fond of how the project is progressing, and I believe it will be completed soon.

A. She is fond of running every morning to stay fit and healthy.


To maintain a healthy lifestyle, it's important to have r_________ exercise and a balanced diet.



Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word "recently"?

A. She has __________ started a new job at the company and is enjoying the new challenges.

B. They __________ traveled to several countries last summer for their vacation.

C. The book __________ became a bestseller after being featured on a popular TV show.

D. He __________ finished his studies and is now looking for a job in his field.

A. She has recently started a new job at the company and is enjoying the new challenges.

C. The book recently became a bestseller after being featured on a popular TV show.

D. He recently finished his studies and is now looking for a job in his field.


We need to a_________ a meeting with the client to discuss the new project proposal.



This old photograph is very p_____ to me because it reminds me of my childhood. It was taken p_____ by my grandparents.




Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word "selfish"?

A. His decision to volunteer at the local shelter showed how selfish he was about helping others.

B. She made a selfish choice by taking the last piece of cake without asking if anyone else wanted it.

C. The company's new policy aims to be selfish about increasing employee benefits.

D. The movie’s plot was criticized for its selfish portrayal of the hero’s journey.

B. She made a selfish choice by taking the last piece of cake without asking if anyone else wanted it.


During the meeting, we had a p_________ discussion and decided to _________e ideas to improve the project.




Which of the following sentences correctly uses the words "describe" and "instantly"?

A. The artist will __________ the painting's details during the gallery tour, and visitors will __________ recognize the artist’s unique style.

B. She could __________ the smell of the cookies baking in the oven, and it made her __________ want to eat them.

C. The teacher asked the students to __________ their favorite book in the essay, and the feedback was given __________.

D. The technician will __________ the issue with the equipment, and the problem will be fixed __________.

B. She could describe the smell of the cookies baking in the oven, and it made her instantly want to eat them.

C. The teacher asked the students to describe their favorite book in the essay, and the feedback was given instantly.

D. The technician will describe the issue with the equipment, and the problem will be fixed instantly.


After being away from home for several months, she started to feel __________ and missed her family and friends.



The thief had h_________ left a _________e of his presence at the crime scene.




Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word "condition"?

A. The new car is in excellent condition, with no scratches or dents.

B. The recipe calls for you to condition the dough before baking it.

C. He made a condition to start the project only if he received additional funds.

D. The scientist worked on a condition to improve the results of the experiment.

A. The new car is in excellent condition, with no scratches or dents.


The concert last night was absolutely __________; the band played incredibly well and the crowd loved every moment.



A. The new grocery store is very __________ because it is located right next to my apartment, but it can get quite __________ during weekends.

B. The restaurant is __________ for its large menu, but it is often __________ with long wait times.

C. It is __________ to have a parking lot near the office, but the lot is usually __________ with cars during peak hours.

D. The subway station is __________ and has __________ trains running every few minutes.

A. The new grocery store is very convenient because it is located right next to my apartment, but it can get quite crowded during weekends.

C. It is convenient to have a parking lot near the office, but the lot is usually crowded with cars during peak hours.


She r_________ gets upset over small things and never lets them _________r her.




When making a decision, it is important to d____ ____ the advice of experts, __________ if the decision is significant. You should never __________ their o_______ lightly.

depend on





Which of the following sentences correctly uses the word "responsible"?

A. She is responsible for organizing the annual conference, which requires a lot of planning.

B. The new software is responsible for a significant improvement in our productivity.

C. He showed a responsible attitude by choosing the most efficient route to avoid traffic.

D. They decided to be responsible for the environmental issues by focusing on sustainability.

A. She is responsible for organizing the annual conference, which requires a lot of planning.


The company aims to __________ more __________ cars to meet the growing demand for eco-friendly transportation.




Which of the following sentences correctly uses the words "information," "advice," and "except"?

A. The report provided useful __________ on the new software, and the team followed the __________, __________ for the suggestions about hardware.

B. She collected all the __________ needed for the presentation, but she ignored the __________, __________ the parts that were already well-known.

C. We asked for expert __________ on how to improve our business strategy, and we reviewed the __________, __________ the sections that were outdated.

D. The guidebook contains valuable __________ about travel destinations, but the __________, __________ for the old reviews, was not very helpful.

A. The report provided useful information on the new software, and the team followed the advice, except for the suggestions about hardware.

B. She collected all the information needed for the presentation, but she ignored the advice, except for the parts that were already well-known.

C. We asked for expert advice on how to improve our business strategy, and we reviewed the information, except the sections that were outdated.

D. The guidebook contains valuable information about travel destinations, but the advice, except for the old reviews, was not very helpful.


The new library is located in the center of the __________, making it easily accessible for all students at the __________.




It is our d_________ to protect the __________ for future generations. We should not __________ about how to do this but instead work together to prevent actions that __________ the air and water. If someone asks for your help in this cause, you should be willing to do them a f_________.  




