Al Khaliq
The Creator
If Allah wishes
God in Arabic
Were Yasmin’s flowers real or not real?
Not Real
Name one reason the kids in the Story of Hunza saved the apricot kernels?
To make Fire
Al Ahad
The One
The Book of Allah
People who follow Islam
Where do birds fly during the Winter
Where does the wool come from?
Subhan Allah
Glory be to Allah
Al Hamduillah
All praise is due to Allah
Rabb Al Alamin
The lord of the Worlds
Why do children go to school
To Learn
True/false. We can count all the favors and blessing from Allah?
Al Gaffar
The All Forgiving
Ar Rahim
The most mericful
Al Azeez
The all mighty
All of Allah’s Creations cannot be put into a book (True/False)
What gift from Allah helps us in our daily life?
Five senses
Bismillah Ar Raham nir Rahim
In the name of Allah the most kind and the most merciful
Ar Rahman
The Most Kind
Al Hakeem
The All Wise
I don’t have to wait for the light of the day. Even in the night I can find my way?
Human Beings are blessed with a gift no other creation has it
Our Mind