T or F
Many 4th and 5th graders at Gale reported feeling anxious when taking a test.
According to CS, what does respect mean?
is seeing value in all people and things and treating them with care :)
Why is it important to practice Gratitude?
It is important to practice gratitude because it helps us with our overall well-being; it makes us happier :)
T or F
Being anxious and nervous the same?
Being nervous is short-term; It's brief and doesn't affect your day-to-to life. Anxiety is long-term, more intense, and affects your day-to-day life.
I show respect at school by____
I show respect at home by______
I show respect to my classmates by _____
Reframing our negative thoughts helps our brains to be more positive and decrease our stress levels!
Ms. Meraz always begins with mindfulness
T or F
Anxiety=My Identify
Anxiety isn't part of my identity because I am more than anxious thoughts!!!
In the Youth TEDTALK, the presenter talked about...
Daphine talked about respecting each other's boundaries, avoiding gossiping, and shared that we should be kind to people who say hurtful things to us.
It is easier for people to remember positive experiences compared to negative experiences.
It is typically more challenging for people to remember positive experiences because they tend to focus on negative experiences.
Counseling lessons help me by...
T or F
My thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are all connected.
Anxiety is actually trying to protect us
TRUE X2!!!!
In counseling, we learned two forms of respect; what are they?
Provide an example of each form of respect.
Physical (standing too close to someone) Emotional (Disrespecting others' personal beliefs.)
Your best friend is going through a tough time in math she says, "I am not as bright as everyone! I will never learn how to divide! UGH, I HATE math!!"
What would you say to your friend?
What is 1 fun fact about your teacher
What is 1 fun fact about Ms. Meraz
Name five body signals people experience when they are feeling anxious.
Light-headed/ feel faint, Red face/ feel hot, Dry mouth, Butterflies in the tummy, Sweaty hands, Jelly Legs, bathroom, difficulty breathing, heart beating faster, shaky voice, blurred eyesight, headache, trouble sleeping.
Anthony, Cheyenne, Brayden, and Valentina have been good friends since 1st grade. Valentina falls during a game of soccer and has to go to the nurse. While she’s gone, Cheyenne and Brayden say she probably isn’t even hurt and only went to the nurse to get attention.
Pretend you are Anthony and use an I-message to talk to Cheyenne and Brayden.
I feel _________________
When ________________
What I need is __________
I feel _________________
When ________________
What I need is __________
Reframe these negative thoughts
1. I suck at taking tests.
2. I won't finish in time.
3. When I take tests, I feel like I will faint or vomit.
4. What if I don't know any of the answers?
1. This test will be challenging, but I will do my best!
2. If I don't finish in time, I know I will be able to finish it tomorrow.
3. I will try grounding techniques (i.e., breathing and thinking of things that make me laugh) to help center me during testing.
4. There will be questions to which I will not know the answers, but I will keep persevering and give it my very best!
How does learning about social/ emotional help you grow as a person?