Because Greece's Balkan peninsula is divided into isolated valleys and rocky islands off the rugged coastline, many small city-states developed. The two geographical features that led to the creation of the Polis or city-states are...
What are mountains and water
How did the government of Rome, a republic, differ from the government of Greece?
What is elected representatives to make laws versus a direct democracy
The greatest accomplishments of the Romans occurred in these fields...
What is law and engineering
Give the name of the Germanic tribe that conquered the former Roman province of Gaul.
Who are the Franks
Name the city that Muhammad was born in and describe the job that he had before he became the prophet of Islam.
What is Mecca and merchant.
Although the Greek city-states were often at odds with one another, a larger threat from the ____________ in 500 B.C made them put aside their differences to defend their freedom.
Who are the Persians
What was the name of Rome's rival who was finally eliminated in 133 B.C?
What is Carthage.
The rights of an accused person under Roman law includes these three ideas...
What is the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, the accused is allowed to face his/her accuser, and guilt had to be established through evidence.
What rival group posed the greatest threat to Europe at the Battle of Tours in 732 A.D.?
Who are the Muslims
Which holy book in the Muslim culture is regarded as the final authority on all matters by its believers?
What is the "Quran"
Victory in the series of wars led to a thriving economy and a strong government. It increased the Greek's sense of their own uniqueness and the belief that the gods had protected their superior form of government in which all male citizens were expected to take part. This form of government was called a __________ ___________.
What is a direct democracy
Name the most influential leader of Rome and what happened to him because of his ambition to be King/Emperor of Rome.
Who is Julius Caesar and what was assassinated.
Why did the persecution of Christians by Roman leaders often take place?
What is the Christians' refusal to acknowledge loyalty to Rome
Lords granted land to vassals in exchange for military service in the system called ___________ and the _______ economy was based on farming and
What is feudalism, manor and self-sufficiency
State the 5 Pillars of the Islamic faith:
What is a Declaration of faith, pilgrimage to Mecca, praying 5 times a days towards Mecca, fasting from sunrise to sunset during Ramadan, and finally, Almsgiving, or charity to the poor.
Lovers of wisdom, or ___________, believed through observation and logic they could discover laws that governed the universe. They believed that all things could be understood through ___________.
What are/is philosophers and reason
The flourishing trade and general prosperity of the Roman empire, beginning with the reign of Emperor Augustus, was partly the result of the order and stability of the Pax Romana or this....
What is Roman Peace
Which location did the Emperor Constantine establish as the center of power under his rule?
What is Constantinople, or present day Istanbul, Turkey
Monks and nuns helped to improve the lives of the people during the middle ages through caring for the sick and poor. However, The church's influence was especially felt during the late Middle Ages because the church held great...
What is political power
What did the split between the Sunni and the Shiite Muslims center on?
How the caliph is chosen and what his political and religious position in the community will be.
In 338 B.C. Athens fell to the Macedonian army. Phillip the II, of Greek origin, eventually brought all of Greece under his control. He also had ambitions to conquer Persia, but before he could he was assassinated. His son Alexander conquered Persia and many other lands. Alexander ushered in the Hellenistic age and succeeded where his father could not. Alexander was best known for his lasting achievement of spreading Greek culture. The Hellenistic culture was composed of these three cultures....
What are Persian, Greek and Egyptian.
The fall of the Roman empire in 476 A.D. is due to these 4 causes:
What is heavy taxes, Germanic invasions, civil wars, and erosion of values.
Although we talk of "the fall of Rome", the Roman empire did not disappear from the map in 476. An emperor still ruled the eastern Roman empire, which continued to exist for another 1000 years under the name of the _____________ empire.
What is the Byzantine
A major conflict between the Holy Roman Emperors and the popes concerned who would appoint ________.
Who are bishops
The religion of Islam, whose followers are called Muslims, emerged in this region of southwestern Asia