4th grade vocabulary
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5th grade vocabulary
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5th grade content 2
1) A place or object used to determine if is an object is in motion. 2) The force that pulls all objects toward each other.
What is 1) reference point 2) gravity
The force that pushes or pulls a plane foward.
What is thrust?
1) A person who makes a living by buying and selling goods. 2) The goal of running a business is to earn a _________.
What is 1) merchant 2) profit
Who did Prince Henry start a school for?
What is sailors?
The place that John Cabot hoped to discover.
What is the Northwest Passage?
1) The rate at which an object changes position. 2) The force that acts when two surfaces rub together.
What is 1) speed 2) friction
If a marble is traveling down a ramp and there is an opposing force at the end of the ramp, what will happen to the marble?
What is it will stop moving?
1) Trade goods for other goods. 2) A settlement far from the country that rules it. 3) A trip.
What is 1) barter 2) colony 3) expedition
The first Europeons to reach America.
Who was the Norse?
The first English colony.
What is Roanoke?
1)The speed and direction an object is moving. 2) A push or pull
What is 1) Velocity 2) Force
A car is traveling 496 miles in 8 hours. What is the cars average speed?
What is 62 miles per hour?
1) A conqueror 2) A large area with different groups controlled by one ruler. 3) A person of Spanish and American descent. 4) The far edge of a settled area
What is 1) conquistador 2) empire 3) mestizo 4) frontier
Where Christopher Columbus was trying to get to when he sailed west.
What is the Indies?
How Squanto helped the Pilgrims.
What is by teaching them how to farm and hunt?
__________ is the change of ___________ of an object.
What is motion and position?
A train slowing down, a train going around a corner, and a train increasing its speed are all examples of ____________.
What is acceleration?
1) Transferring horses from Europe to the Americas was an example of this. 2) To force a person to work against their will. 3) A group of business people who paid for expeditions. 4) Bring goods in from another country. 5) Send goods to another country.
What is 1) Columbian Exchange 2) Enslave 3) merchant company 4) import 5) export
These gave the Spanish an advantage over the Inca when they conquered their empire.
What is horses?
How the colonists of Jamestown spent most of their day.
What is farming?
_____________ is the change in speed or ___________.
What is acceleration and direction.
Which Newton's Law? 1) For every action there is an equal an opposite reaction. 2) An object that is in motion will stay in motion. 3) When forces are balanced, an object will not move. When forces are not balanced, the object will move.
What is 1) Third Law 2) First Law 3) Second Law
1) A political or military partner. 2) "Runners of the Woods" 3) They made the laws in Virginia 4) A person who agreed to work in exchange for a trip to the New World. 5) A leader 6) An official document that grants its holder special rights
What is 1) ally 2) coureurs de bois 3) House of Burgesses 4) indentured servants 5) sachem 6) charter
A major way that the French missionaries were different from Spanish missionaries.
What is they lived among the Native Americans.
The idea that Columbus's voyage proved wrong.
What is that the Earth is flat?