Great Depression
President Hoover
Why is October 29,1929 significant?
It was the date the stock market collapsed (crashed completely) and started the Great Depression which lasted 12 years.
What is a "hoover-ville" , "Hoover flags" and a "Hoover blanket"?
What is rundown shacks, outturned, empty pockets, and newspapers to keep them warm.
Who said this,"The only thing to fear is fear itself!"
What is President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
Below are reasons for why people didn't agree with what? The reforms permanently expanded the role of the Federal Government Not everyone agreed that government should have a social role. People argue government programs threatened individual freedoms and free enterprise These people believe that the government should interfere with the economy as little as possible Critics also worried about the increase of the nations debt To pay for his programs deficit spending was used- the government spends more money than it receives in taxes It didn’t end the Depression. Full economic recovery came in 1941.
What is reasons why people disliked the New Deal.
What does "margin" mean. Ex: They were buying stocks on margin so the economy was weakening.
What is credit
What is another way to say October 29, 1929?
What is Black Tuesday.
What was unemployment rate during Hoover's term during the Depression?
What is 25% (It had risen from 3% in 1929 to 25% four years later)
Why was the New Deal successful?
It eased many problems: 1. It employed millions of jobless people 2. It ended the banking crisis 3. It reformed the stock market 4. It improved working conditions 5. It built much needed bridges and dams 6. brought electricity to rural Americans 7. preserved 12 million acres of National Park land For many Americans the New Deal restored faith in their government
What is a fireside chat?
A radio message meant to comfort the American people FDR delivered “fireside chats”, over the radio to inform citizens on what the government was doing to help them
What was one major reason for the Great Depression?
What is overproduction – the supply of manufactured goods exceeded the demand. People who could afford to buy houses already bought them; farmers couldn't pay back loans so banks closed. Rumors had it then all banks would close so people __ ___ ___ to the banks to get their money out.
What was Hoover's philosophy on who should help unemployed?
What is thought business and local governments should help the people instead of the Federal government He encouraged city and state governments to start public works projects to give people jobs. This efforts rarely worked because they were voluntary--the government "encouraged" but didn't make them do it.
What were the first 100 days of FDR's presidency like?
What is busy. During the FDR’s first hundred days in office he passed a record 15 new bills. They had 3 goals: 1. Relief for the jobless 2. Economic recovery 3. Reforms to prevent future depressions
What is the act set the minimum wage, established overtime and put an end to child labor in some places?
What is the 1938 the Fair Labor Standards Act was passed. The minimum wage was initially set and 25 cents per week.
In 1930-1933 how many banks closed?
What is 5,500.
What is the Bonus Army and how did Hoover react to it?
Veterans of WWI were promised a $1,000 bonus to be paid in 1945. Because of the Depression most veterans want their bonuses to help them get through the hard times. The Veterans went to D.C. called the, “Bonus Army” to demand it. However, Hoover refuses and send teargas, tanks and machine guns to clear this up. Americans were outraged by the images of government forces firing on unarmed veterans.
During first 100 days of Presidency FDR developed three government part of the New Deal--what were they?
What is the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corp): The Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) hired people to plant trees, build reservoirs, construct parks, etc. The WPA hired people to repair public buildings, pave roads, build bridges, etc. The FDIC: To help prevent future collapse FDR started the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). It guaranteed individual deposits up to $2,500. It dramatically improved confidence in banks
What is the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 (aka Wagner Act) and why was it important?
The Wagner Act guaranteed workers’ right to organize into unions; Prohibited unfair business practices and most importantly it upheld collective bargaining unit right of unions to negotiate wages and benefits. Union membership tripled in the 1930's.
What is a black blizzard?
What is a sudden dust storm.
Why did the Great Depression last so long?
What is downward spiral--one thing led to another. People couldn't/wouldn't buy goods anymore, less demand so companies laid off workers and people lost jobs so they couldn't pay bills/loans so more banks closed.
Who was affected by The Great Depression the most?
What is African Americans and Mexicans. Whites took the jobs from both of these populations including being migrant workers. Women however, made out pretty well because they were sales clerks and secretaries and these jobs were rarely eliminated.
The Supreme Court challenged some of FDR's programs, especially the New Deal--why?
The court started to declare the New Deal programs unconstitutional. FDR responds by attempting to appoint 6 new Judges to the Supreme Court Critics called this move, “court-packing”, an attempt to appoint Judges that were favorable to FDR Congress defeated FDR’s plan to pack the court. Other critics felt the President didn’t go far enough to help the poor, but they didn’t have enough support to defeat FDR in an election.
What is main difference between FDR's philosophy and Hoover's?
What is FDR said people should rely on government and government should provide. Hoover said government shouldn't do anything and had no responsibility to do anything, businesses should take over.
What did the payroll tax fund and why was that developed?
In 1935, FDR signed the Social Security Act which gave the government a role in supporting the needy. A key part of Social Security was the Old-Age Pension which was funded by payroll tax. Social Security also provided financial assistance for disabled workers. To fund the pensions the government started a payroll tax– tax that removes money directly from workers paycheck Social Security was originally designed to only help people that could no longer work. Today they aren’t enough workers to support people on Social Security. Some economists think that without reform, Social Security could collapse by 2017