Where can our classroom rule/expectations be found?
On the front bulletin board to the left of the Smartboard.
How do I ask to go to the bathroom or get water?
Demonstrate the bathroom and water hand signals.
What are the 3 R's at Matula?
Be respectful, responsible and ready to learn
Name 3 hallway expectations.
Zero nose, straight line, walking on the 2nd square, don't touch the walls, etc.
When I get an assignment/ paper, what is the first thing I should write on it?
My name and the date.
What should we look like and sound like during independent work time?
Look like: focused, working, eyes on our book/paper, using our resources
Sound like: zero noise
Where do I put work that is ready to be graded? Where do I put work that I need more time for?
Turn In Bin
Unfinished Bin
How can you be respectful to your teacher?
ex. don't talk when the teacher is talking, look at the teacher when she is talking, follow directions the first time, etc.
Name 3 lunchroom expectations.
walk to the line, be quiet in the line, clean up all trash quickly and quietly, etc.
If I don't remember what a Critical Vocabulary word means, what should I do?
Look for the definition or context clues in the text, OR look for the word in the glossary.
How can you be respectful to your classmates?
don't make noises to distract them, listen to them when they share ideas, use kind words, etc.
Name 3 bathroom expectations.
no talking, wait for your partner, do your business quickly, wash hands quickly, no talking/playing
What should I do if I finish my seatwork from small group time early?
Finish any unfinished work, then choose an early finisher activity (from the bulletin board).
Name 3 things can do to show you are responsible.
Turn in work on time, turn in homework, come to class prepared with your supplies, be trustworthy, follow directions consistently, etc.
What would it look like and sound like if you were ready to learn?
Look like: eyes on teacher, facing in the direction of the speaker, body still, etc.
Sound like: voices and body is quiet