What is classroom rule #1?
What is classroom rule #2?
Be Responsible
What is classroom rule #3?
Be Respectful
What is classroom rule #4?
Be Inclusive
What is Step 1 of the TKP Four Step Process?
What is Step 2 of the TKP Four Step Process?
Hallway Conversation
What is Step 3 of the TKP Four Step Process?
Reflection Room
What is Step 4 of the TKP Four Step Process?
Office Referral :(
How many people can go to the bathroom at a time?
What do you need to take in order to go to the bathroom?
The bathroom pass!!!!!
What is classroom rule #5?
Be Positive
What are 3 things we CANNOT do on our computers?
Watch YouTube
Listen to music
Play games
What are the 4 voice levels we use in this classroom?
0 - silent
1 - whisper
2 - partners
3 - groups
Where should you be sitting during a lesson, centers, or independent work time?
YOUR SEAT!!!!!!!!!!!
What happens if we lose all of our voice level letters?
We lose recess :(
How can you tell when it's time to line up outside at recess?
Ms. Sims will blow the whistle
What are your 4 responsibilities to take care of at the end of the day?
Clean the floor under your desk
Put your computer away
Stack your chair
What should you do if you need to call your family during the school day?
Tell Ms. Sims and she will send you to the office to call them
What does "ask 3 before me" mean?
Ask 3 people to help you before you ask Ms. Sims
What is the date?
January 4, 2024!!!!!!!!!!