What're 2 mandatory things that you need in relation to COVID?
Hand sanitizer and a mask
What should you do if you want to share a comment or answer a question?
Raise your hand.
Do you need to wear masks on outside for recess?
How do you move in the hallway with COVID?
You should be walking on the right side of the hallway, and providing space in between one another. There should also be no talking.
What is Mrs. Gaudet's favourite colour?
What's the proper way to wear a mask?
It needs to be covering your nose and mouth at all times.
No garbage on, in, or around your desk. Keep items neat and tidy, and put papers away in the right spot.
What equipment can you use outside?
The equipment from our class bin located across the hall (no extra toys from home)
What's the rule for the bathroom?
1 boy and 1 girl may go at a time. There can only be 4 people in the bathroom at a time.
What's Mrs. Payter's favourite food?
Olives or pickles
When do you need to sanitize?
After eating, drinking, touching your mask, and when you leave or enter a room.
What's your job in the morning?
To put your reading log at the back table, write down your agenda message and leave it on your desk to get checked, and book shop if it's your day. Once done, a quiet activity.
What should you do if you need to go to the washroom, or grab something from your locker during recess?
Ask an adult, or make sure you've gone beforehand/grabbed the necessary clothing.
How do you line up when the bell rings or in general?
You should be facing the front, hands to yourself and no talking.
What's the expectations of our classroom chromebooks?
Walk when carrying them, plug them in after use, and do what is asked.
How often do you need to change your mask?
Each day you should wear a new mask, or when your current mask becomes dirty or wet.
What should you do if you are stuck on a question?
Try rereading the question, asking a friend (especially if the teacher is busy), skip it and come back to it, then ask Mrs. Payter or Mrs. Gaudet
What would you do in a situation when someone is being mean?
Try to talk to your friend first in a calm manner. If it continues, go to an adult to ask for help.
What's your job each night?
What're you supposed to do when eating your snack or lunch?
You need to be facing forward while your mask is off and absolutely no talking. If you're done, put your mask back on, sanitize and dispose of waste.
How could you be a positive role model within our classroom?
Helping each other out when stuck, helping around the classroom, working hard, and trying your best with tasks.
What does a positive role model look like on the playground?
What do you do if you wake up and have any of these symptoms? fever, cough, hard time breathing, sore throat, runny nose, stuffy nose or a headache?
Stay home. No symptoms are tolerated, so if you're feeling unwell stay home, or you will be sent home.
What can you do during indoor recess?
Drawing, board games, chromebooks, and chatting quietly.