Come to Class ON TIME and PREPARED everyday!
Follow directions the first time they are given.
Raise your hand to speak or move around in the classroom.
Always be kind and respectful to your teacher and your classmates.

You only brought your notebook, Chromebook, and a pencil to class. Is that sufficient?

Yes! That's all you need, so make sure you have them everyday.


You quickly and quietly get started on the assignment I give. Are you following directions?

Yes! Thank you so much!


Do you need to ask permission to throw away trash during independent work time?

No, but it would be a better idea to make a small pile at your desk and throw it away on your way out the door. Do not get up to do it during instruction time, and do not bug or distract others if you go during work time. DO NOT THROW IT FROM YOUR DESK TO THE TRASH CAN!


You use a marker from the whiteboard to draw a smiley face. Is that okay?

No. You need to ask permission to borrow something in the classroom, even if you have good intentions with that item.


You're on time to class, but your Chromebook is dead so you are unable to start on your Bell Ringer because of it. Are you tardy?

Yes! Unfortunately rules must be consistent if they are going to be followed. You may BORROW a charger from a friend, or you may BORROW one from me, but you need to have it plugged in and be seated when the bell rings. 

(Please be sure to return anything you borrow from classmates or from your teacher!)


You forgot to complete your homework last night; you were just so busy. Can you turn it in late? 

Yes, I will accept late work, but you need to practice completing things on time. We need to learn responsibility this year. The directions were to complete your homework, so you need to follow those directions by completing your homework on time.


You raise your hand to use the bathroom while Mrs. Capen is giving instructions. Is this okay?

No! Please wait until I am finished talking and then you may ask to use the restroom. Only one person may use the restroom at a time. The sign out sheet is by the door. You will only have 3 minutes. DO NOT ABUSE THIS PRIVILEGE THOUGH, OR IT WILL BE TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU!


You forget to return the charger that you borrowed from me. Is that okay?

No! You are showing disrespect and irresponsibility by making someone else have to clean up after you, or by keeping other students from using those supplies in the future. Please be sure to return, in excellent condition, what you have borrowed.


You are standing by my desk when the bell rings because you want to ask me if you can use the restroom. Are you tardy?

Yes, you are still tardy. There will always be an assignment on the board for you to get started on, and I have things to do to get ready for class. This means that if you did not ask me as you were coming in the door, you need to please wait until we have independent work time.

Also, you should not use the restroom the 1st 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes of class. Your passing period is too close to these times.


I have asked you twice to stop shouting out your answers in order to allow other students the chance to think and respond. Are you following the rules?

No! You know you need to raise your hand, so I should not have had to tell you the first time! Think before you speak.


Once given permission to move around the room, you distract others as you go. Is this okay?

No! There are too many people in the room to have everyone moving, so movement is a privilege. Do not take advantage of this by moving around loudly or bumping people along the way. Go where you're headed and get back right away.


During instruction time you are seated quietly, facing forward, and keeping your body and your belongings to yourself. Is that okay?

Yes! Talking to your neighbor is disrespectful to those around you and to your teacher. There also is not a lot of space at your table, so be sure to not take more than your share of the table and aisle. Eye contact shows that you're listening, so please turn your chair to look at me when I'm giving instructions.


You forgot your Chromebook at home. Are you excused from needing it?

No! Come prepared before the bell rings by checking one out from the library. 


I ask you to stop talking and you say, "But he was talking too." Is that okay for you to do?

No! That is called 'back-talk' when you say something back to me other than "I'm sorry" or "okay". I do not always know who the other people are that are talking, but if you were breaking a rule, you need to accept responsibility for it. There will not be any further consequences if you say "okay" and stop talking, so just do that and we'll all be happy. :)


You are whispering to your neighbor during work time. Is this okay?

Yes! Unless I have otherwise stated, it's fine for you to quietly talk to your neighbor while you are getting work done. Don't do it while I, or another classmate, is addressing the entire class, don't cheat, and don't keep each other from getting your work done. Other than that, it is fine. Really we learn best when we are able to verbalize our thoughts.


The bell rang and you really have to get to your next class. Is it okay to leave things on your table or not push in your chair?

No! Take responsibility for your belongings. Follow the procedures of the classroom which are to clean up your space, wait for me to dismiss your table, and push in your chair before you leave. BE RESPONSIBLE!