I have wanted a dog since I was 5 years old.
What change, if any, should be made to sentence 1?
A. Insert a comma after dog
B. Change have to has
C. Change since to while
D. No change is needed
What is no change is needed? D
1) Lizette found out about cheerleading tryouts a few weeks ago and she was excited.
What change, if any, should be made to sentence 1?
A. Change weeks to week’s
B. Insert a comma after ago
C. Change found to finds
D. No change should be made
(1) Francisco was watching television although a commercial for a new video game flashed on his television screen.
The word although does not appropriately connect the two clauses in sentence 1. Which word should replace the word although?
A. While
B. Since
C. When
D. As a result
(1) Have you ever played it?
You can improve the clarity of sentence 1 by changing it to -.
A. A board game
B. A sport
C. A player
D. An instrument
(2) Many teenagers have to make it home by a certain time, or they could get into trouble with the law or there parents.
What change, if any, should be made to sentence 2?
A. Change have to has
B. Delete the comma after time
C. Change there to their
D. No change should be made
Even though I’m 12 my parents don’t think I’m responsible enough for one.
What change should be made to sentence 2?
A. Change parents to parent’s
B. Insert a comma after 12
C. Change even though to as if
D. Change don’t to do’nt
(3) Only three spots were available on the team.
Which transition word or phrase could best be added to the beginning of sentence 3?
A. Because
B. Consequently
C. Finally
D. After all
(2) He wanted to be the first to get it because he knew it would make him the coolest out of all of his freinds.
What change should be made to sentence 2?
A. Change coolest to cooler
B. Insert a comma before because
C. Change wanted to wants
D. Change freinds to friends
(3) Many players have to practice before or after school and have game’s at night and on the weekends.
What change should be made to sentence 3?
A. Insert a comma after school
B. Change many to few
C. Change on to in
D. Change game’s to games
(4) They help prevent kids from getting into trouble by reduceing the amount of criminal activity, gangs, and reckless driving that takes place at night.
What change should be made to sentence 4?
A. Change reckless to wreckless
B. Change reduceing to reducing
C. Delete the comma after gangs
D. Change kids to kid’s
Whenever I go to my aunt’s house, I love taking care of her puppys.
What change, if any, should be made to sentence 3?
A. Change puppys to puppies
B. Change aunt’s to aunts’
C. Change go to went
D. No change is needed
(5) “I’m not going to tryout” said Lizette, “I’m too scared”.
What change should be made to sentence 5?
A. Insert a comma after tryout
B. Delete the comma after Lizette
C. Change too to to
D. Insert a period after tryout
(4) After begging and pleading with them, they agreed to give him the money for the video game with one condition.
What change, if any, should be made to sentence 4?
A. Insert a comma after begging
B. Change begging to beging
C. Change them to her
D. No change is needed
(5) If you want to play a sport make sure it is something you really enjoy doing.
What change, if any, should be made to sentence 5?
A. Insert a comma after sport
B. Change enjoy to injoy
C. Insert a semicolon after sport
D. No change should be made
(5) Some people would argue this by saying that teenagers can still get into trouble during the daytime.
What change, if any, needs to be made to sentence 5?
A. Change still to steal
B. Insert a comma after this
C. Change get to got
D. No change should be made
(5) I am hoping that my parents see how good I am with my aunt’s puppies. (6) So they will buy me one of my own.
What is the best way to combine sentences 5 and 6?
A. They will buy me one of my own so I am hoping my parents will see how good I am with my aunt’s puppies,
B. I am hoping my parents will see how good I am with my aunt’s puppies, but they will buy me one of my own.
C. So they will buy me one of my own I am hoping my parents will see how good I am with my aunt’s puppies.
D. I am hoping my parents will see how good I am with my aunt’s puppies, so they will buy me one of my own.
(1) Lizette found out about cheerleading tryouts a few weeks ago and she was excited. (2) It wasn’t until she found out the three most popular girls in school were trying out that she began to get nervous. (3) Only three spots were available on the team. (4) This left Lizette feeling discouraged, and she wasn’t sure if she wanted to go through with it.
(5) “I’m not going to tryout” said Lizette, “I’m too scared”.
(6) “You can do it. Don’t give up,” said Lizette’s mother.
(8) Three days later the results were posted in the locker room. (9) Lizette had made the team. (10) She couldn’t wait to get home and tell their mother.
Where is the best place to insert this sentence? Lizette decided to go ahead and tryout.
A. After sentence 3
B. After sentence 6
C. After sentence 8
D. After sentence 10
(1) Francisco was watching television although a commercial for a new video game flashed on his television screen. (2) He wanted to be the first to get it because he knew it would make him the coolest out of all of his freinds. (3) He ran into his parents’ room and begged for the video game. (4) After begging and pleading with them, they agreed to give him the money for the video game with one condition. (5) Francisco would have to earn it. (6) Every week Francisco was put in charge of mowing the lawn, washing the dishes, vacuuming the house, and taking the dog for a walk. (7) His sister played volleyball. (8) After a month of chores, the day had finally arrived. (9) Francisco had earned enough money for his video game. (10) As he stood outside and waited for the store to open it was the happiest moment of his life.
Which sentence should be deleted?
A. Sentence 1
B. Sentence 5
C. Sentence 7
D. Sentence 10
(7) Learning how to work with a team, and gaining friendships is the best part about being on a team.
What change should be made to sentence 7?
A. Change learning to learn
B. Delete the comma after team
C. Change a team to an team
D. Change the period to a question mark
(6) The best option for parents are to make sure their child has a curfew that keeps them out of harm’s way and in a safe environment at night.
A. Change are to is
B. Change child to children
C. Insert a comma after way
D. Change environment to enviroment
(7)I want to look back at old pictures and see all the fun times I have growing up with a dog.
What change should be made to sentence 7?
A. Change have to had
B. Change a to an
C. Change pictures to pictures’
D. Insert a semicolon after pictures
(10) She couldn’t wait to get home and tell their mother.
What change, if any, should be made to sentence 10?
A. Change their to her
B. Change wait to weight
C. Insert a comma after home
D. No change should be made
(10) As he stood outside and waited for the store to open it was the happiest moment of his life.
What change, if any, should be made to sentence 10?
A. Change as to even though
B. Insert a comma after open
C. Change happiest to happier
D. No change is needed
(8) Playing a sport can be challenging, but it also has a lot of benefits.
Which transition word would be best at the beginning of sentence 8?
A. In addition
B. Consequently
C. In conclusion
D. Next
(1) What time do you have to be home? (2) Many teenagers have to make it home by a certain time, or they could get into trouble with the law or there parents.(3) Curfews are in place for a reason.(4) They help prevent kids from getting into trouble by reduceing the amount of criminal activity, gangs, and reckless driving that takes place at night.(5) Some people would argue this by saying that teenagers can still get into trouble during the daytime.(6) The best option for parents are to make sure their child has a curfew that keeps them out of harm’s way and in a safe environment at night.
Where is the best place to insert this sentence?
However, statistics show that most crimes are committed at night.
A. After sentence 1
B. After sentence 3
C. After sentence 4
D. After sentence 5