Gr 11 Child Development
Grade 12 Child Development
Gr 11 Interacting with Children
Gr 12 How to Interact with Children

How many months does a baby grow inside their mother before birth?

9 months


What are the three strongest senses in newborns?

Smell, taste, hearing


What are the two main types of communication?

Verbal and non-verbal


What is a helicopter parent?

A parent that is overly involved in their child's life and likes to control everything that they do. 


What are four things that need to be a part of a healthy relationship?

Support, honesty, communication, trust, acceptance, respect, understanding, friendship, compromise, conflict management 


What is one of the benefits of breast feeding?

It's free, it provides the baby with the mother's antibodies, allows for a deeper connection between mother and baby


What is SIDS? Can it be prevented

Sudden infant death syndrome. The causes are not known so it cannot be prevented. 


What is one positive and one negative thing that could come out of using an assertive communication style?

Positive= straight forward, clear

Negative= can come off rude, can be closed off to others opinions, could be threatening for a shy child 

What change, if any, should be made in this sentence? My mom desided to call some local beekeepers.
desided is spelled incorrectly - decided

What animals does Miss Waldie have?

2 dogs and 2 horses :)


What are the two different types of contraception?

Hormonal and non- hormonal


Which Child Development Theorist believed that social development is the most important part of development for children and if they are raised in isolation they will not be able to develop past childhood? 

Lev Vygotsky


What is the difference between punishment and discipline?

Punishment is taking retribution on someone discipline is a consequence for their actions to teach a lesson.


How can poor mental health in a parent affect a child?

Many answers...


What are three key things needed to help a child develop emotionally?

-establish a relationship with the child

-model good emotional control

-discuss emotions and what they are through games and play

-Allow children a safe space to feel their emotions and validate them

-listen and be there for support


What are three of the five different types of child development? 

Physical, social, emotional, cognitive, linguistic


Which child development theorist created the Cognitive Development Theory?

Jean Piaget


The three main parenting styles we discussed in class?

Jellyfish, brick wall, backbone


List 2 benefits of a home birth and two negatives.

Benefits: at home where you are comfortable, more family can be present, calm environment

Negatives: not in the hospital if there is an emergency, no pain medication if needed, might become too overwhelming if there are too many people there


What is one interesting fact about Indigenous family models? 

Many Indigenous families follow a traditional community model, meaning that the child is raised by parents, grandparents, family members and community members including community Elders.

Everyone in the community has a responsibility to contribute to raising the child. As Indigenous communities are very diverse, each nation and community has its own ways of ensuring a child is taken care of through their own specific traditions and ways of knowing, being and doing. The images below highlight some of the distinct ways in which First Nations, Métis and Inuit children are supported in their lifelong learning process by their families and communities.


Provide an example of a healthy carbohydrate, healthy fat and healthy protein that you could give to a ten year old for a meal?

Many options


What does the APGAR test check for when a baby is born?

Muscle tone

Heart rate

Response to stimulation

Skin colour


Write down five things that affect the social development of children. Be sure to rank them from most important to least important.

Parents, peers, social media, school, culture, community, religion


How would you deal with a child who is having a temper tantrum?

-Tell them that they are safe and it's ok to feel their feelings

-wait until they have calmed down to talk to them

-do not give into what they want

-do some breathing and relaxing exercises

-when they have calmed down have a talk with them about their emotions and how to deal with them


What is nature vs nurture?

Nature is the belief that we are born the way we are. Nurture is the belief that those around us/our social and emotional interactions influence us and make us who we are.