
What is the correct way to write the two sentences?

Madison cleaned the living room. Audrey cleaned the kitchen.

A. Madison cleaned the living too and Audrey cleaning the kitchen.

B. Madison cleaned the living room, and Audrey cleaned the kitchen.

C. Madison cleaned the living room and Audrey cleaned the kitchen. 

D. No revision needed.

B. Madison cleaned the living room, and Audrey cleaned the kitchen.


What change, if any, should be made to the sentence?

"Snake! yelled Samantha," pointing at the long slippery snake coming towards her.

A. Delete the comma after long

B. Delete the quotation marks after Samantha and add quotation marks after the exclamation point.

C. Change the period to an exclamation point.

D. Make no change

B. Delete the quotation marks after Samantha and add quotation marks after the exclamation point.


What change should be made to the sentence?

When my cousins visited, they left there game at our house.
A. Change cousins to cousins
B. Change there to their
C. Change our to hour
D. Change they to thay

B. Change there to their


What is the correct way to write the two sentences?

Our class is amazing, and our class will pass our test.

A. Our class is amazing but will pass our test.

B. Our class is amazing, and will pass our test.

C. Our class is amazing, so will pass the test. 

D. Our class is amazing and will pass the test.

D. Our class is amazing and will pass the test.


What is the correct way to write the two sentences?

Ella suggested we go to the library. An stop at the store along the way.

A. Ella suggested we go to the library, we stopped at the store along the way.

B. Ella suggested we go to the library and stop at the store along the way.

C. Ella suggesting we go to the library and stop at the store along the way.

D. Correct as written.

B. Ella suggested we go to the library and stop at the store along the way.


What change, if any, should be made to the sentence?

"Where are you going." asked Will.

A. Change the period to a question mark

B. Change are to is

C. Delete the quotations

D. No change is needed

A. Change the period to a question mark


What change should be made to the sentence?

Mrs. Carney always has several Beany Babies hiding in the closet for her children to play with.

A. Change Babies to Babies

B. Add a period to the end of the sentence

C. Change closet to closset

D. Delete the period after Mrs

B. Add a period to the end of the sentence


What is the correct way to revise the two sentences?

Jeremy had basketball practice. Jeremy also having homework.

A. Jeremy has basketball practice, but he also had homework.

B. Jeremy had basketball practice, Jeremy also had homework to do.

C. Jeremy had basketball practice, because Jeremy also had homework to do.

D. The two sentences are correct.

A. Jeremy has basketball practice, but he also had homework.


What is the correct way to revise the sentence?

If people would pick up trash after they use the park, it would always be clean.

A. The park would always be clean, if less trash was picked up by people.

B. Picking up trash by many people using the park would always be clean.

C. The park would always be clean by people picked up trash after they use the park.

D. The sentence is correct.

A. The park would always be clean, if less trash was picked up by people.


What change, if any, should be made to the sentence?

The scientist had been studying the Plant for a very long time.

A. Change been to a

B. Change Plant to plant

C. Change scientist to Scientist

D. No change is needed

B. Change Plant to plant


What change should be made to the sentence?

When I looked ahead, I could sea one trail, but beyond that were several more trails to follow.

A. Change to to two

B. Change one to won

C. Change trail to trale

D. Change sea to see

D. Change sea to see


What is the BEST way to combine the two sentences?

It became too wet to play football. It was raining outside.

A. It became wet outside because it was too rainy and playing football.

B. It became too wet to play football, because it was raining outside.

C. It became too wet to play football because it was raining outside.

D. The two sentences are correct.

B. It became too wet to play football, because it was raining outside.