Rephrase it using new phrases
Fill in the gap
Correct a mistake

She was completely in love with him

She was head-over-heels in love with him


We ... our mutual love for complaining about Mondays, and it's been true friendship ever since.

We bonded over our mutual love for complaining about Mondays, and it's been true friendship ever since.


Despite his tough-guy roles in movies, Chris Hemsworth is no whimp when it comes to showing his softer side on social media.

Despite his tough-guy roles in movies, Chris Hemsworth is no wimp when it comes to showing his softer side on social media.


As people get older, they often  do the same things every day and to not want to change those habits.

As people get older, they often become set in their ways.


We have a ... relationship, but at least it keeps things interesting, like a romantic rollercoaster with no seatbelts.

We have a bumpy relationship, but at least it keeps things interesting, like a romantic rollercoaster with no seatbelts.


Kanye West should learn not to bottle on his negative emotions; otherwise, he might lose his temper during another live event.

Kanye West should learn not to bottle up his negative emotions; otherwise, he might lose his temper during another live event.


In a relationship you have to make certain you have some time when you are not busy in order to do something you think you should do for each other.

In a relationship you have to make time for each other.


Take ... your partner's hobbies, even if it's something as baffling as extreme ironing, because support is the total aphrodisiac.

Take an interest in your partner's hobbies, even if it's something as baffling as extreme ironing, because support is the ultimate aphrodisiac.


Justin Bieber has been known to loose his temper occasionally, but his music still brings joy to Beliebers everywhere.

Justin Bieber has been known to lose his temper occasionally, but his music still brings joy to Beliebers everywhere.


One day, completely unexpected, she announced that she was leaving.

One day, out of the blue, she announced that she was leaving.


It's important to have someone you can ... in, like your dog, because he never judges your terrible taste in reality TV.

It's important to have someone you can confide in, like your dog, because he never judges your terrible taste in reality TV.


After years of struggle, Lizzo evently became popular, inspiring many with her body positivity and musical talent.

After years of struggle, Lizzo eventually became a household name, inspiring many with her body positivity and musical talent.


He's certainly not afraid to say what she thinks about very directly.

He's certainly not afraid to speak her mind.


Sometimes, I feel ... in our relationship, like gum under a school desk, but at least it's sticky with love.

Sometimes, I feel stuck in our relationship, like gum under a school desk, but at least it's sticky with love.


Lady Gaga's message of self-love and acceptance continues to resonance with fans around the world.

Lady Gaga's message of self-love and acceptance continues to resonate with fans around the world.


Over the years my college friends and I have  gradually became less friendly and our relationship ended.

Over the years my college friends and I have  drifted apart.


It's okay to ... your ..... during a fight, as long as you have a good supply of tissues and a sense of humor about looking like a panda.

It's okay to bawl your eyes out during a fight, as long as you have a good supply of tissues and a sense of humor about looking like a panda.


Ariana Grande's songs can always put a smile on your lips, even when you're having the worst day.

Ariana Grande's songs can always put a smile on your face, even when you're having the worst day.


Think about the good parts, even if it's mostly bad - no one was badly hurt.

Look on the bright side, even if it's mostly bad - no one was badly hurt.


Being on ... with your partner's parents is important, especially if you ever need to borrow their fancy espresso machine.

Being on good terms with your partner's parents is crucial, especially if you ever need to borrow their fancy espresso machine.


Zendaya got to acting like a duck to water, effortlessly transitioning from Disney Channel star to Emmy-winning actress.

Zendaya took to acting like a duck to water, effortlessly transitioning from Disney Channel star to Emmy-winning actress.


She took responsibility for the project and made sure it was finished on time.

She took charge of the project and made sure it was finished on time.


... your promises, especially the small ones, like taking out the trash, because no one likes a stinky house or a stinky reputation.

Keep your promises, especially the small ones, like taking out the trash, because no one likes a stinky house or a stinky reputation.


When in doubt, many celebrities spin to Oprah for advice, knowing she always has wisdom to share.

When in doubt, many celebrities turn to Oprah for advice, knowing she always has wisdom to share.


Why are you so  extremely interested in/worried by it and spend an unreasonably large amount of time thinking about getting everything right?

Why are you so  hung up on getting everything right?


When my partner remembered our anniversary without Facebook's help, it completely ...; miracles do happen!

When my partner remembered our anniversary without Facebook's help, it completely blew my mind; miracles do happen!


Some fans accused Taylor Swift of being two-faced against her former friends, but her music continues to resonate with millions.

Some fans accused Taylor Swift of being two-faced towards her former friends, but her music continues to resonate with millions.