2 weeks
to stop feeling depressed
to break out of a brown study
“…they’ll fall for him like a row of ninepins…”
Julia, about Michael to Jimmie Langton. She ment that he's very handsome and every girl would like him. She was afraid that he'd fall in love with someone else.
Приближалась Пасха, и все с головой окунулись в приготовление к празднику.
It was getting on for Easter and everybody plunged themselves into the preparation to the holiday
What kind of people were Julia and Michael in relation to money?
Julia - generous
Michael - greedy, practical
a scrooge person
to act disrespectfully or inappropriately
to take liberties with sb
“Darling, you’ll make me as vain as a peacock”
Michael to Julia when she was praising his beauty.
Это мужчина, который будет висеть на нашей шее! Возьми себя в руки и избавься от него, иначе ты горько пожалеешь.
It is a man who'll always be a millstone round our neck! Pull yourself together and get rid of him or you will regret bitterly.
What impression did Julia try to make on Mrs Gosselyn?
She was trying to convince here that she was a simple and shy girl who admired her son.
liveliness and eagerness
to stay up all night
not to sleep a wink
“It’s so humiliating to have to beg for love”
Julia to Michael when complaining about his coolness
Не любит он меня ни капли, нисколько! Работаю, как собака, веду себя тактичнейшим образом – ничего не ценится. Все принимается как само собой разумеющееся.
He doesn’t love me, not a bit! I work like a dog, exercise all my tact and nothing is appreciated. Everything is taken for granted.
Did Julia expect Michael to propose to her?
She was waiting for it, but she wasn't sure
make less /become less
to diminish
not to have cash/be in difficult situation
to be hard up
“One’s got to be one’s own master. That’s the only way to make a packet”
Michael about seducing an old lady to get money for his own theatre.
По сравнению с тобой мы кажемся «пресными» и неопределенными.
You make the rest of us look like a piece of cheese.
How soon did the American manager understand his mistake with
2 weeks
to decorate
to emblazon
to risk or threaten one's chances
to jeopardize one's chances
“…an actor’s a perfect fool to marry young”
Michael to Julia about marriage. He thought marriage isn't good for career of a young actor
Hекоторые из этих предпринимателей купаются в деньгах, как сыр в масле.
Some of these manufacturers are rolling in money.
What did
Michael look like
after he came back from the war?
adopted military bearing, his weight didn't change since he was 20, looked more manly, older