Skill acquisition
Energy systems
Training programs
Everything else

Name the two types of practice variability.

Blocked and random


Two ways to increase stability

  • Increasing base of support
  • Lowering centre of gravity
  • Keeping line of gravity within base of support
  • Shifting line of gravity towards oncoming force means more room for line of gravity to remain inside base of support
  • Extending base of support towards oncoming force
  • Increasing mass
  • Increasing friction e.g. waxing surfboard

What is the preferred fuel at rest?



Provide two aerobic power tests.

Yo-yo intermittent recovery test and Cooper 12-minute run.


Provide two types of intrinsic feedback.

Visual, auditory, touch, proprioceptive. 


Provide two characteristics of the associative stage of learning.

  • Refining movement
  • More consistent, less mistakes
  • Starting to focus on external stimuli e.g. opposition
  • Starting to use intrinsic feedback

How is impulse used in hockey?

Using impulse to increase momentum

  • Exert a maximal force for a longer period of time
  • Maximal force increased by using summation of momentum (more body parts)
  • Backswing and follow through on pass so stick in contact with puck for longer

Using impulse to decrease momentum to 0

  • Absorbing force over a longer period of time
  • Spreads the impact
  • “Giving” when catching pass (backswing)
  • Impulse stays the same, but the time the force is applied is altered to soften the impact so puck stays under control

Provide two benefits of an active recovery.

  • Keeps heart rate elevated to promote blood flow
  • Increases oxygen to remove metabolic by-products
  • Reduces core temperature
  • Resynthesises lactate to glycogen
  • Decreases venous pooling (muscle pump)
  • Reduces chance of DOMS
  • Replenishes oxygen levels to myoglobin

Explain the benefit of using a training diary.

Ensures chronic adaptations occur and prevents overtraining. For example, if an athlete is sore or injured, the training session should be modified.


Provide an acute muscular response that hinders performance.

Decreased energy substrates (ATP, PC, glycogen and fats).

Increase muscle temperature.

Increased metabolic by-product production.


Three factors you must discuss when classifying a skill as open or closed.

  • Self-paced or externally paced
  • High or low inter-trial variability
  • Environmental predictability versus unpredictable environment

Explain conservation of momentum with reference to a bowling ball hitting a pin.

  • Total momentum before collision = total momentum after collision
  • When two objects collide, there is a change in both object’s momentum
  • Ball will decrease momentum to 0, pin will rapidly accelerate
  • Both objects will continue moving in the direction of the object with the greatest momentum (ball)

Why does a person running the half marathon (say 90 mins) complete each km slower on average than a person running the marathon (say 3 hours)?

More reliance on fats in marathon, which produces ATP at a slower rate than the half marathon, which has a higher reliance on CHO (faster rate).


Justify the vertical jump test from a psychological, physiological and sociocultural perspective.


  • Similar movements and intensities
  • Periods of running and rest
  • Recognised test of fitness component (valid)
  • Has norms to compare against
  • Current fitness
  • Establish a baseline


  • Motivation
  • Doing it with other people
  • Elite athletes have the motivation to do tests maximally
  • Improvement from baseline
  • Peers can cheer you on


  • Cheap
  • Available resources or facilities
  • Culturally-sensitive

Provide 3 chronic muscular adaptations to aerobic training.

Increased size and number of mitochondria

Increased oxidative enzymes

Increased a-vO2 difference

Increased glycogen sparing

Increased myoglobin


Provide two constraints for each of the three categories of constraints. 


  • Height and weight
  • Fitness
  • Mental skills (attentional control, concentration, confidence, arousal)


  • Indoors or outdoors
  • Noise level
  • Weather conditions
  • Surface or terrain
  • Social factors/cultural norms and family support networks/peer groups


  • Modified rules
  • Modified equipment available such as bats, balls, wickets, racquets
  • Field dimensions
  • Player numbers (team size): e.g. 3 v 3 soccer rather than 11 v 11

With reference to levers, explain the benefit of using a long cricket bat over a short cricket bat.

Long bat (third class lever) increases length of resistance arm.

Decreases mechanical advantage further below 1.

Provides large ROM and increases velocity of bat, greater velocity imparted onto ball and more distance achieved with stroke.


Provide two causes of fatigue of the aerobic system.

Glycogen depletion and elevated body temperature (thermoregulatory fatigue).


Identify the load, sets, reps, speed and rest for a muscular power training session.

40% 1RM

3 sets

3 – 6 reps


3 mins rest


Explain the relationship between heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output as an athlete moves from rest ro submaximal and maximal intensity exercise.

Q = SV x HR.

HR increases linearly.

SV plateaus at submaximal intensity.

Any further increase in Q is due to an increase in HR.


One advantage and one disadvantage of both the direct and constraints-based approach to coaching.

Direct advantages

  • Initial skills develop faster
  • Practice time maximised
  • Best for large groups
  • Good for cognitive learners due to closed environment
  • Sound technique developed

Direct disadvantages

  • Dependence on coach
  • Choking
  • Limited opportunity to problem solve
  • Less application of skills to game
  • Boring/repetitious

Constraints-based advantages

  • Better skill transfer to game
  • Interesting/fun
  • Better problem solvers
  • Less choking

Constraints-based disadvantages 

  • Takes longer to learn skills initially
  • Less skill refinement
  • Not as suitable for cognitive learners due to more open environment 

Explain why a child would not select a long, heavy bat like an adult might.

Why do children "choke" the bat?

Hint: refer to inertia and levers

Heavy bat has too much inertia for the child to be able to move it and get the advantage of a third class lever.

Choking the bat reduces the resistance arm so less force is required to swing the bat (as children have less muscle mass). It can be swung with a greater angular velocity as a result.


Describe the energy system interplay for a netball centre player.

2 x 15 min halves with 3 min break in between.

  • All energy systems are contributing to ATP resynthesis with intensity and duration determining the relative contributions of each
  • The aerobic system would be the main contributor overall due to the 30 min duration 
  • At the onset of the game and during oxygen deficit, the ATP-PC system will increase its contribution for the first explosive sprint or pass etc. (however PC depletes quickly)
  • This is because it has the highest rate but lowest yield
  • For repeat high intensity movements like running up and back after a turnover, the anaerobic glycolysis system will increase its contribution
  • Will help maintain the high intensity 
  • This provides energy at a fast rate and low yield
  • Some metabolic by-products might accumulate during this time
  • During rest breaks, PC stores can be replenished due to the increased contribution from the aerobic system (98% at half time)
  • The aerobic system will increase its contribution as the game continues due to more oxygen being available to the muscles
  • This system has a low rate but high yield

Prescribe a HIIT training session for an AFL player.

  • ~ 90% max HR (focus on sustaining efforts close to VO2 max)
  • Work: 30 sec – 4 mins
  • Work: rest: 1 : 1 or 2 : 1
  • Active or passive recovery
  • May be less than 20 mins total due to increased intensity
  • 4 – 12 reps
  • Running (type)

A student is doing a 10 km fun run this weekend.

Would they benefit from a higher lactate tolerance or higher LIP? Explain your response.

Why should she also train for the other adaptation?

LIP -- can work at higher aerobic intensities for longer.

High lactate tolerance good for sprint finish, surge or uphill portions.