Translate the word: garlic
Correct the sentence: "I doing homework at the moment."
"I AM doing homework at the moment."
When were telephones invented?
in 1876
a sport that you do on snow in the mountains
Translate the word: varustus
Correct the sentence: "I'd to run away if I saw a snake."
"I'd run away if I saw a snake."
The first mobile phones were as big as....
...bricks/a brick.
a sport where you slide over frozen water wearing special boots
ice skating
Translate the word: õõnes, seest tühi
Correct the sentence: "I've known Homer since three year."
"I've known Homer FOR three year."
Who tried to make the chewing gum taste better in 1880s?
The Fleer brothers.
What is the most popular sport played in the UK?
"Truck" in British English is...?
Correct the sentence: "He's all morning been playing tennis."
"He's been playing tennis all morning."
Which pens did people start using in the 7th century?
quill pens
True or false: rugby is a sport where you hit a ball with a bat, then run around a diamond shape
False, this is the definition of baseball
Translate the word: hot-air balloon. Write the Estonian word correctly.
Correct the sentence: "If it rained this afternoon, we'll stay at home."
"If it RAINS this afternoon, we'll stay at home."
This is how we call "night writing" today.
What sport was Tanya Streeter very talented at?