Translate "fall over".
πέφτω κάτω
Translate "beekeeping"
Translate "useful"
Translate "location"
Spell "δρομέας" in English
Spell "φύση" in English.
Spell "διψασμένος" in English
Spell "εκπαίδευση" in English
Translate: "You have to be here at seven o'clock."
Εσύ πρέπει/χρειάζεται να είσαι εδώ στις 7 ακριβώς.
Translate: "In Greece, they collect oranges from November to March."
Στην Ελλάδα, μαζεύουν/συλλέγουν πορτοκάλια από τον Νοέμβριο μέχρι τον Μάρτιο.
Translate: "Is there a train station near your home?"
"Υπάρχει ένας σταθμός τρένου κοντά στο σπίτι σου";
Use the word "village" in a sentence.
Example: Grandpa's village is near the sea. It's beautiful there.
"c_ _ _ _ e" (o s o h)
choose = διαλέγω
Find the opposite of "boring":
"This book on beekeeping isn't boring, it's _________ ."
This book on beekeeping isn't boring, it's interesting.
Guess the word. Hint: it's an adjective.
"He doesn't have a lot of money. He's _____ .
"He doesn't have a lot of money. He's poor."
Guess the missing word:
"I don't know when the game starts but I can ____ out."
"I don't know when the game starts but I can find out."
Guess the word. Hint: it's an adjective. Translate.
"Spiders are very scary. I'm _______ of them."
"Spiders are very scary. I'm afraid of them."
= Οι αράχνες είναι πολύ τρομακτικές. Τις φοβάμαι.
Find the opposite of "safe":
"It isn't safe to go surfing at this beach. It's _________ ."
It isn't safe to go surfing at this beach. It's dangerous.
Name three school subjects.
Maths, History, Art, PE, Science
Use the word "fair" in a sentence.
Example: "Some children are very poor. It isn't fair."