Present Simple (+/-)

Choose the correct option:
She never says/gets "Good Morning" to her colleagues



Replace the phrases in bold with pronouns:

Paul calls his friend every day

Ann has a blue car

he, she


When do we use Present Simple?

to talk about routine and facts


What are 2 types of questions in English?

Yes/No questions and special questions


Choose the correct option:
Do you often get/take a 30-minutes break on work?



Replace the phrases in bold with pronouns:

My family and I often thank each other

Eve and Bill forget to send messages sometimes

we, they


Open the gap using Present Simple:
You _____ (walk) every day in the park.

You walk every day in the park.


What auxiliary (вспомогательные) verbs do we use in Present Simple?

Do and does


Choose the correct option:
My boss always forgets/remembers important dates. He never sends us presents



Replace the phrases in bold with pronouns:

Can you give Sofia a laptop?

Liza, you should call your parents now!

her, them


Open the gap using Present Simple:
In autumn, it ______ (rain) a lot.

In autumn, it rains a lot.


Complete with do/does:
a.- __________ he eat ?
b.- __________ we watch TV ?
c.- __________ he listen to the radio ?
d.- __________ she open the fridge ?

a.- Does he eat ?
b.- Do we watch TV ?
c.- Does he listen to the radio ?
d.- Does she open the fridge ?


Find mistakes in these words:
notbook, gitar, kibord, baik

notebook, guitar, keybord, bike


Write a correct pronoun:

My sister and I owe this flat. This is ______ flat.

Sam and Jessica have two cameras. These are _____ cameras.

our, their


Make the sentences negative:
a. Paul and Mary swim in the ocean.

b. We  do our homework. 

c. It  rains in summer

a. Paul and Mary don't swim in the ocean.

b. We don't  do our homework. 

c. It doesn't rain in summer


Answer the questions:
a.- Does Mary swim in the ocean ?  - No, ______

b.- Do you sing a song ? Yes, _______ 

c.- Does he ride a horse ? - Yes,_________

a.- Does Mary swim in the ocean ?  - No, she doesn't

b.- Do you sing a song ? Yes, I do

c.- Does he ride a horse ? - Yes, he does


Find mistakes in these words:
skort, wach, hedfons, sisors

skirt, watch, headphones, scissors


Complete the rows

1. I - _____ - (to) me

2. you - your - (to) ____

3. she - _____ - (to) her

4. he - his - (to) ____

5. they - ____ - (to) them

6. we - our - (to) _____

7. it - ____ - (to) it

1. I - my - (to) me

2. you - your - (to) you

3. she - her - (to) her

4. he - his - (to) him

5. they - their - (to) them

6. we - our - (to) us

7. it - its - (to) it


Find mistakes in the sentences:
a. She don't work in an office.
b. He don't like chocolate
c. She work in an office.
d. He like chocolate.
e. They drinks milk.

a. She doesn't work in an office.
b. He doesn't like chocolate
c. She works in an office.
d. He likes chocolate.
e. They drink milk.


Translate the questions:
Когда ты встаешь утром?
Сколько это стоит?

When do you get up in the morning?
How much does it cost?/ How much is it?