More Editing
Mix it up!
Shake it up!
Revisions Again!
The sentence below contains one error in grammar usage. Read the sentence and the question that follows. 

The beach is packed with people who has come to wath the surfing competition. 

Which version of the sentence has been correctly edited for grammar usage? 

A.The beach is packed with people who has comes to watch the surfing competition. 

B.The beach is packed with people who has came to watch the surfing competition. 

C.The beach is packed with people who have come to watch the surfing competition. 

D.The beach is packed with people who have comes to watch the surfing competition. 

C.The beach is packed with people who have come to watch the surfing competition. 


A student is writing a paper for class about a surprise. Read the draft of the paper and complete the task that follows. 

Click the two sentences that do not use the correct verb tense. 

Yesterday, I went to the shopping mall with my mom. She said I needed to buy some new shoes for basketball. The shoe store was so crowded that we could not even get inside. People stand in a line that reached the escalator. I wondered what was going on and started to worry. I though my mom might make us leave. Then she will tell me a wonderful surprise. My favorite college basketball player was at the store to sign autographs. My mood went from worried to wonderful in about one second. 

A.Yesterday, I went to the shopping mall with my mom. 

B. She said I needed to buy some new shoes for basketball. 

C. The shoe store was so crowded that we could not even get inside. 

D. People stand in a line that reached the escalator. 

E. I wondered what was going on and started to worry. 

F. I though my mom might make us leave. 

G.Then she will tell me a wonderful surprise. 

H. My favorite college basketball player was at the store to sign autographs. 

I. My mood went from worried to wonderful in about one second. 

D. People stand in a line that reached the escalator. 


G. Then she will tell me a wonderful surprise. 

A student is writing a narrative for her teacher about her new chore.  The student wants to revise her draft to add more detail.  Read the paragraphs of the narrative and complete the task that follows.

Every Saturday morning, my brother and I have to complete our list of chores before we can play or watch television.  This past Saturday morning, just as I was finishing my final chore, my dad announced, "Lucinda and Robbie, you each have one new chore to do." I heard Robbie moan from the bathroom, where he was scrubbing the tub.

Dad continued, "Lucinda, your new chore is dusting the ceiling fans and windo blinds.  Robbie, yours is wiping down the kitchen cabinets and counters."

I wanted to moan just like Robbie, but I knew it would be better to begin my new chore without a fuss.  I grabbed the long-handled duster from the laundry room and walked over to the ceiling fan in the family room.

Choose the best sentence to add detail after the underlined sentence.

A. I stood on a chair to reach the top of the tall ceiling fan in the family room. 

B. Any extra work he is asked to do is always an unberable burden to Robbie. 

C. On days when we have violin lessons or running club, my dad helps us do our chores. 

D. Once, Robbie and I had to spend the entire day raking leaves and putting them in giant paper bags. 

B. Any extra work he is asked to do is always an unberable burden to Robbie. 

Natalie is writing a narrative for her teacher about a family camping trip.  She wants to revise the draft to add a good ending sentence. Read this part of the narrative and complete the task that follows.

Last weekend, my family went camping. Since my brother is getting ready to graduate from high school, my parents decided that we needed to spend some quality time together as a family. The funny thing is that no one in my family, except for my brother, had ever been camping before last weekend. We borrowed a large tent and other camping supplies from our neighbors. Luckily, my brother knew how to pitch a tent and start a fire to cook dinner. Unfortunately, no one brought food to cook on the fire. It was also unfortunate that it started to rain buckets of water just as my dad announced, "Oh, we forgot to pack rain gear." While the rain poured down and our stomachs all grumbled in hunger, our family decided to make the best of the situation. We huddled together in the tent and played flashlight games. We ended up laughing so hard and having the best time.

Choose the best ending sentence for the narrative.

A. Once the rain began, we discovered that our tent had a hole in it! 

B.We used the flashlights to make animal shadows, and my dad made noises to match. 

C. Even though our camping trip wasn't perfect, we ended up making some fantastic memories. 

D. Before the rain began, my dad and brother put our sleeping bags, flashlights, and games in the tent. 

C. Even though our camping trip wasn't perfect, we ended up making some fantastic memories. 

A student is writing an opinion essay for the teacher about having more hands-on activities in class. The student wants to revise the draft to include better transitions. Read the draft paragraph from the essay and complete the task that follows.

I know some students think fifth grade is boring, but I know how to change that. We should have more experiments and activities in class. This year, we do a lot of worksheets in math and science, and they do not really help us learn that much. If we are multiplying fractions, the students who have learned this will get tired of completing worksheets, and students who are still learning need a person to help them. Save the worksheets for homework, and let us work together on activities in class.

Choose the best phrase to connect the two underlined sentences.

A. Most of all 

B. As a result 

C. For example 

D. Even though 

C. For example 

A student is writing an opinion article for class about a video game. Read the draft of the article and complete the task that follows.

The video game Zoltara is being released this month. In this game you will be able to catch a dragon, rescue a princess, and fight a knight. You have to be very quick and decisive. Every second will count when playing this thrilling and engaging game. This game will restart if you do not complete your task in the given time frame. Doesn't this sound awesome? Buy one today because this is the best game ever developed?

Choose the sentence that best states the opinion of the article.

A. In this game, you will be able to catch a dragon, rescue a princess, and fight a knight. 

B. Buy one today because this is the best game ever developed! 

C. This game will restart if you do not complete your task in the given time frame. 

D. The video game Zoltara is being released this month. 

B. Buy one today because this is the best game ever developed! 


Choose the sentence that has correct use of verb tense. 

A. Eddie explained, "If I had finished my homework, then I have had time to play basketball now," and then he added, "but I make a poor choice." 

B. Eddie explained, "If I had finished my homework, then I would have time to play basketball now," and then he added, "but I made a poor choice." 

C. Eddie explained, "If I had finished my homework, then I will have time to play basketball now," and then he added, "but I has made a poor choice." 

D.Eddie explained, "If I had finished my homework, then I have had time to play basketball now," and then he added, "but I was making a poor choice." 

B. Eddie explained, "If I had finished my homework, then I would have time to play basketball now," and then he added, "but I made a poor choice."


Choose the sentence that is correctly punctuated. 

A. Before you come to the program please be sure, that your permission slip is turned in to your teacher. 

B. Before you come to the program, please be sure that your permission slip is turned in to your teacher. 

C. Before, you come to the program please be sure that your permission slip is turned in to your teacher. 

D. Before you come to the program, please be sure, that your permission slip is turned, in to your teacher. 

B. Before you come to the program, please be sure that your permission slip is turned in to your teacher. 

Mariam is writing a narrative for her class about the new running club.  She wants to revise the draft to add a transition sentence. Read this draft paragraph of the narrative and complete the task that follows.

Last week, my friend Devon and I decided to join the after-school running club. We walked to the track behind the school as soon as the afternoon bell rang, eager to join all of our friends who have been in the club since the beginning of the school year. To be honest, I felt a little nervous about running in front of everyone. After all, I hadn't ever run more than a mile at one time. So when we arrived on the track, I asked the coach if I should run with the younger students. He smiled and said, "Mariam, you a fantastic runner, and I think you're going to do so much better than you imagine. Now get out there and do your best." Then we walked home, laughing and talking about how we wished we had joined the running club earlier.

Choose the best sentence to connect the underlined sentences.

A. Devon grabbed a bottle of water to drink before his run. 

B. The coach made me feel so much more confident about my running. 

C. I wanted to try to run at the same pace as Devon so that we could talk. 

D. After our run, I realized that the coach was right, and I gave a big high-five to Devon! 

D. After our run, I realized that the coach was right, and I gave a big high-five to Devon! 


Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly. 

A. If, it starts to thunder, swimmers must leave the pool. 

B. My cousin who lives on Main Street, loves to watch movies. 

C. Eventually, the travelers realized that, they had somehow gotten lost. 

D.Finally, in the last seconds of the game, Jenny made a home run to win the game. 

D. Finally, in the last seconds of the game, Jenny made a home run to win the game. 

A student is writing an opinion eassy for class about zoos. The student wants to revise the draft to provide an introduction. Read the paragraph from the essay and complete the task that follows.

People can learn about animals in zoos, but I think most people visit zoos for entertainment. If we just wanted to discover facts about an elephant, we could read a book. Do you think that an elephant is happy living in a zoo? Even a good zoo can't be as good as a natural habitat. Zoos can only give animals a false sense of living in their natural environment. All animals do best in their real, natural habitat.

Choose the two sentences that best introduce the student's opinion and explain what the topic is about.

A. There are many zoos across the country. 

B. Large zoos have a wide variety of animals. 

C. Elephants are large animals found in most zoos. 

D. Zoos are not the great places some people believe them to be. 

E. Some people feel that zoos are bad, but most animals are happy in zoos. 

F. Although some people believe zoos benefit animals, I want to argue that they are not good for animals. 

D. Zoos are not the great places some people believe them to be. 


F. Although some people believe zoos benefit animals, I want to argue that they are not good for animals. 

A student is writing a letter to her parent about getting paid to make good grades. The student wants to revise the draft to include a conclusion. Read the draft of the letter and complete the task that follows.

Dear Mom,
I know we talked last week about your giving me money for every "A" I get on my report card. You are against this; you believe that I am supposed to do well at school without being rewarded. After thinking about our conversation, I feel you should reconsider your opinion. I really believe that I should get paid for every "A" I earn at school. Let me explain my position.

I try my best at school, and I am proud of my grades. They show that I believe going to school is my job and that I take my job seriously. Getting paid for making good grades would show that you take my job just as seriously as I do.

You give me a weekly allowance already, but I propose a change for this system. Lower my weekly allowance and let me earn more or less based on my grades. If my grades fall, then so would the weekly allowance.  If I make good grades, then I would get more money than I used to get by the old allowance system.

Thank you,
Your daughter

Choose the sentence that is the best conclusion to the student's letter.

A. Going to school is something students have to do. 

B. Parents already pay money for grades by paying taxes. 

C. It is unrealistic for students to expect money for making good grades. 

D. I can think of no way for you to teach me to appreciate the value of money. 

D. I can think of no way for you to teach me to appreciate the value of money. 

A student is researching the history of popcorn. Read the following sentences from the student's notes and complete the task. 

Choose the sentence from th student's notes that does not have errors in grammar usage. 

A. Today, Americans ate more than 17 billion quarts of popcorn a year. 

B. Thanks to Cloid H. Smith, popcorn became available in grocery stores for the first time in 1914. 

C. In the 1700s, popcorn was cooking in thin metal containers in front of the fireplace and is served with sugar and cream for breakfast. 

D. Over 400 years ago, popcorn is important to an Aztecs as food, as decoration for ceremonial headdresses and necklaces, and as ornaments on statues of their gods 

B. Thanks to Cloid H. Smith, popcorn became available in grocery stores for the first time in 1914. 


Choose the two sentences that are missing a comma.

A. She helps me with homework every day after school.  

B. Before our class goes to the cafeteria, all of the students wash their hands. 

C. The little boy pretended as if he had no idea how the chocolate milk spilled on the new rug. 

D. The fifth-graders hope that they will be allowed to sit with their friends in the cafeteria starting next week. 

E. Ms. Shaw explained that our class must prove that we can handle the responsibility before we get a class pet.

F. Once we realized that the thunderstorm was headed towards us we gathered our picnic basket and finished eating in the car. 

E. Ms. Shaw explained that our class must prove that we can handle the responsibility before we get a class pet.


F. Once we realized that the thunderstorm was headed towards us we gathered our picnic basket and finished eating in the car. 


A student wrote a sentence that contains punctuation errors. Click on the words that should be followed by a comma. 

Ellen that's the book we need to return to the library isn't it?

A. Ellen 

B. that's 

C. the 

D. book 

E. we

F. need

G. to

H. return

I. to 

J. library

K. isn't 

L. it?

A. Ellen 


J. Library

Lindsey is writing a narrative for her class about her cousin's new job.  She wants to revise the draft so that the sentences follow a logical order.  Read this part of Lindsey's narrative and complete the task that follows.

As you read, think of the sentence that does not belong in the narrative because it does not follow the order of events in the rest of the narrative.

My cousin Tony just got the most incredible job! He is only 17 years old, but a local company hired him to play their new video games! When Tony gets to work, he begins by playing video games designed for young children. Tony decides if the games are appropriate for small children.  He makes suggestions for how to make the games even better for little kids.  After an hour or so playing these games, Tony moves on to the more challenging and exciting video games made for teens.  That's his favorite part of the afternoon! The games designed for teens are the most fun! Tony loves finding ways to make those games better. Sometimes, the games for young children remind Tony of his own childhood.  He plays games for about three hours on days he works and gets paid every two weeks. Tony feels so lucky to earn money for doing something he loves.

Which sentence does not belong in the narrative because it does not follow the order of events in the rest of the narrative. (PICK IT FROM THE PARAGRAPH)

Sometimes, the games for young children remind Tony of his own childhood.

A student is writing a description of her classroom for her teacher. The student wants to revise the draft to add an introduction. Read the draft of the description and complete the task that follows.

Mrs. Kemper, my teacher, has her desk on the side of the room, not in front of the whiteboard the way most teachers do.  That is probably because she doesn't sit at her desk a lot.  She loves to stand in the sunlight that streams in through the windows.

Our desks are arranged in semicircles facing the board. We all agreet at the beginning of the year that this would be the best arrangement. There is a table in the back of the room near the bookcases where kids love to sit and read during reading period.

There are also a lot of pictures up on the walls. Mrs. Kemper says she likes to see our artwork displayed. "It makes the room warmer," she always tells us.

Choose the two sentences that would effectively introduce the studen'ts description.

My classroom is very special because it is bright and cheerful.


Everyone loves my classroom because of its huge windows and its happy mood.

A student is writing a letter to the principal about starting a ski club. The student wants to revise the draft to remove information that is not needed. Read the draft of the letter and complete the task that follows.

Pick one sentence that should be removed because it does not belong in the letter.

Dear Principal Williams:
I think that it would be a good idea if the school started a ski club.  If kids had the support of the school, it would be much more convenient for them to go to skiing. The school could supply a bus that would take students on Friday after school to the nearest ski center and return them in the early evening. I am sure that many students would like to learn how to snowboard, too. This way, kids would be able to ski without worrying whether their parents can take them. There would be some costs involved, and students could pay to take the bus. We could also hold fund-raisers to keep the cost of the trip down.

John Granger

I am sure that many students would like to learn how to snowboard, too.

A student wrote sentences about her family. One sentence has a verb tense error. 

Click on the sentence that has an incorrect shift in verb tense. 

During the school year, everyone in our family is busy. Carol has soccer practice, and Mike has softball practice. I am in junior band, and we practice twice a week. Everyone gets home at a different time, and we're all hungry. However, we never have dinner before Mom got home from work. 

A. During the school year, everyone in our family is busy. 

B. Carol has soccer practice, and Mike has softball practice. I am in junior band, and we practice twice a week 

C. Everyone gets home at a different time, and we're all hungry. 

D. However, we never have dinner before Mom got home from work. 

D. However, we never have dinner before Mom got home from work. 


Read the following sentences. Choose the sentence that does not have errors in punctuation. 

A. When Mr. Dean went to the store, he bought eggs, bread, and milk for ten dollars. 

B. The fifth-grade teachers gave math homework on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, last month. 

C. Sharon, Todd, and Corey, enjoy spending their Saturdays building rockets for the science fair. 

D. Ever since she was in kindergarten, Ella has loved reading, coloring, and painting, during free time. 

A. When Mr. Dean went to the store, he bought eggs, bread, and milk for ten dollars.


 What were the items taxed by the sugar act? 

Coffee, wine, molasses, sugar, fabric, silk

Choose the sentence that does not have conjunction errors. 

A. Joe declared that he was neither too tired or too hungry to play another game. 

B. Either Kara saves enough money for a new bike, but she will still have to borrow one for the race. 

C. Whenever Tamara goes shopping with her friends, she either buys clothes and she buys a snack. 

D. Coach Lipp not only requires three miles of running each afternoon, but also demands fifty push-ups. 

D. Coach Lipp not only requires three miles of running each afternoon, but also demands fifty push-ups. 

A student is writing a report for social studies class about a type of food soldiers ate during the Civil War. The student wants to revise the draft to include a stronger conclusion. Read the paragraphs from the draft of the report and complete the task that follows.

Hardtack is a type of cracker soldiers ate during the American Civil War. Large baking companies made these rock-hard crackers often using a mixture of water, salt, and flour. Before the soldiers could eat hardtack, they had to soak it in coffee, water, or some other liquid to soften it. Most people agreed that these crackers were tasteless; others maintained that they were horrible.

So why was hardtack eaten? Often, it was all the soldiers had to eat. It was cheap to make and easy to carry. Plus, hardtack could last a long time without spoiling.

Choose two concluding sentences that would effectively finish the student's report.A

A. Often, hardtack contained worms. 

B. Soldiers could boil hardtack, fry it, or eat it raw. 

C. Some pieces of hardtack were larger than a man's hand. 

D. This hard, tasteless cracker made up an important part of the soldiers' diet. 

E. In fact, some soldiers had only four of these hard, tasteless crackers in a day. 

F. Hardtack might not have been very tasty, but it certainly kept soldiers from starving. 

D. This hard, tasteless cracker made up an important part of the soldiers' diet. 


F. Hardtack might not have been very tasty, but it certainly kept soldiers from starving. 

A student is writing an essay for class about his favorite season. Read the paragraph from the draft of the essay and complete the task that follows.

I love summer. There are many sights, sounds, and scents that help make this my favorite season. Waking up and looking out the window to see a bright blue sky filled with puffy, white clouds is a wonderful way to start the day. Going for a walk and feeling the warm, gentle breeze against my face is marvelous.  Jumping into a pool of cool water is an experience I would recommend to anyone. Not everyone will agree with me, but I think summer is the best season of all.

Choose the best phrase to connect the underlined sentences.

A.After that 

B. As a result 

C. For example 

D. In spite of that 

C. For example 

Edit the sentences by clicking on the two sentences that use the incorrect verb tenses. 

Today is Tuesday, and it is warm and sunny. Our family wants to go on a trip this weekend. If the weather remained nice, we will go to the beach. The newspaper says it will rain on Saturday, however. We will go to a movie if it does rain. Mom says we deciding our plan on Friday. 

A. Today is Tuesday, and it is warm and sunny. 

B. Our family wants to go on a trip this weekend 

C. If the weather remained nice, we will go to the beach. 

D. The newspaper says it will rain on Saturday, however. 

E. We will go to a movie if it does rain. 

F. Mom says we deciding our plan on Friday. 

C. If the weather remained nice, we will go to the beach. 


F. Mom says we deciding our plan on Friday. 

The sentence below contains two errors in punctuation. Read the sentence and the question that follows.

By the time dinner was ready Dan had already cleaned his room, and put away all of his laundry.

Which version of the sentence has been correctly edited for punctuation?

A. By the time dinner was ready, Dan had already cleaned his room and put away all of his laundry. 

B. By the time dinner was ready, Dan, had already cleaned his room, and put away all of his laundry. 

C. By the time, dinner was ready Dan had already cleaned his room, and, put away all of his laundry. 

D. By the time dinner was ready Dan had, already, cleaned his room, and put away all of his laundry. 

A. By the time dinner was ready, Dan had already cleaned his room and put away all of his laundry. 


Choose the two sentences in which the titles are written correctly. 

A. My cousin's favorite book to read is The Velveteen Rabbit.

B. "Black Beauty" is a good movie, but I cried when I watched it. 

C. This year our class will read The Railway Children by E. Nesbit. 

D. Dad wants us to read "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea." 

E. Lassie Come Home would be a good movie for the family to watch. 

F. My sister's class loves to sing "The Wheels on the Bus" each morning. 

A. My cousin's favorite book to read is The Velveteen Rabbit.  


F. My sister's class loves to sing "The Wheels on the Bus" each morning. 

A student is writing a narrative for her teacher about a dinner party.  The student wants to revise the draft to make some details clearer.  Read this draft part of the narrative and complete the task that follows.

Joe tried to keep from yawning.  His parents and the Fosters discussed the new school principal and their plans for the holiday season.  There was a moment of hope for Joe when the conversation paused briefly, but then Mr. Foster asked Joe's mother how she kept her rosebushes free from beetles. This was definitely the most boring dinner party Joe had ever been forced to attend.

Choose the best descriptive sentence to replace the underlined sentence.

A. Joe was not enjoying the dinner party. 

B. The party was really not Joe's favorite type of event. 

C. The dinner party was completely uninteresting for Joe. 

D. Not one single topic of conversation interested Joe during the time-consuming dinner. 

D. Not one single topic of conversation interested Joe during the time-consuming dinner. 

A student is writing a report for language arts class about Theodor Geisel, an author of children's books. The student wants to revise the draft to include only information that supports the main idea. Read the draft of the report and complete the task that follows.

Theodor Geisel loved to draw fun people and animals. He and his father would go to the zoo, and Theodor would sketch animals. His family loved the amusing pictures he produced. His grandparents came from Germany. He also loved to read, but he thought many books offered to children were boring. When he grew up, he wanted to make reading easy and fun for boys and girls. He did grow up to write a book, but no one would publish it. Theodor stopped writing.

Finally, in 1936, he took a trip on a ship. Listening to the rhythmic sounds of the engines, he remembered how his mother soothed her children to sleep by chanting rhymes from her youth. As he sat on the deck, he wrote a story about what a boy imagines he sees in his town. Theodor's home town was Springfield, Massachusetts. Theodor named the story And to Think That I saw It on Mulberry Street. The book was a success.

Theodor used another name, a pen name, when he wrote children's books. Some of his most famous books are Green Eggs and Ham, The Cat in the Hat, and The Lorax. Theodor Geisel is better known as Dr. Seuss. Theodor was not really a doctor, but he did find a cure for children who did not like books. His funny books have been delighting people for over seventy years.

Select two sentences in the report that do not support the main idea.

His grandparents came from Germany. 


Theodor's home town was Springfield, Massachusetts.

A student is writing a report for his teacher about his science project.  The student wants to revise the draft to include a sentence that states the main idea of the report.  Read this draft paragraph from the report and complete the task that follows.

I bought two mice at the pet store and made sure they were exactly the same breed and same age.  Each mouse lived in its cage with a wheel to run on and a small box for sleeping. I fed each mouse exactly the same amount of food each day, but I mixed three teaspoons of sugar into the water bottle for mouse A. I put plain water without any sugar in the bottle for mouse B. Then I wrote down how much time each mouse spent running on the wheels each day. Mouse A ran almost twice as much as mouse B. Then I started giving both mice plain water in their bottles. After a few days, both mice ran about the same amount each day.

Click two sentences that best state the main idea of the report.

My science project showed that drinking water increases the energy level of mice. 


I planned an experiment to study whether drinking sugar water instead of plain water would cause a mouse to be more active.