Grammar remake ss
Grammar correct option
Vocabulary forms
Vocabulary ABC
Use of English

1    It would be a good idea to get some petrol or you’ll run out.


      You ……………………………………………………………………… or you’ll run out.

2    I thought the painting was beautiful and I had to buy it.


      It was ……………………………………………………………………… I had to buy it.

1    had better get some petrol

2    such a beautiful painting (that)


When we were getting/got off the train, it was raining hard.

got off


1    Charles Dickens was ……………………… (inspire) to write by his terrible childhood in London. 

2    I was ……………………… (disappoint) when I came second in the race because I had expected to win.

1    inspired

2    disappointed


1    The new student, Leona, is very ……………………… and comes out with us quite often at weekends.

      A shy                    B selfish             C sociable

C sociable


I was going to have a really …………… Saturday

 A relaxed      B relaxing      C relax        D relaxation

B relaxing


3    My advice is to do lots of revision.


      If ……………………………………………………………………… do lots of revision.

4    Someone stole our car last night.


      ……………………………………………………………………… last night.

3    I were you I would/’d

4    Our car was stolen


I have opened/have been opening the window because it’s getting really hot in here.

have opened


3    The assistant was very ……………………… (help) when I asked her to show me some more boots in different colours. 

4    The story was really ……………………… (excite) and I couldn’t put the book down until I’d finished!

3    helpful

4    exciting


2    My grandfather is quite ……………………… now, but he still goes out for long walks with us. 

      A handsome         B elderly             C arrogant

B elderly


I was doing various things …………… the house for Mum.

A around       B at                C inside              D to

A around  


5    I’m not good at languages, so I won't take up Spanish next year.


      ………………………………… languages, I would take up Spanish.

6    ‘When did you buy your new phone?’ asked Sally.


      Sally asked me ……………………………… new phone.

5    If I were good at

6    when I had bought my


Who do you think is going to be/will be better for the job? Pete or Sally?

will be


5    I’ll have to ……………………… (sit) two of my exams in the autumn because my marks weren’t good enough. 

6    This phone is ……………………… (use) because the battery isn’t working. 

5    resit

6    useless


3    I’m ashamed to say that I don’t always warm ……………………… before exercising.

      A up                      B at                    C through

A up


Disaster! I …………… all the money I earned from helping mum in the house!. Not on clothes, you’ll be pleased to hear! You know I’ve recently taken  …………… tennis?

  A lost             B cost            C spent              D earned

  A down          B up               C in                    D off

 C spent  
 B up  


7    My brother annoys me with all his questions.


      My brother …………………………………………… me questions.

8    We arrived in Paris three months ago.


      We ………………………………… three months.

7    is always asking

8    have/’ve been in Paris (for)


You have to/ought to go home if you’re feeling tired.

ought to


7    Kevin has been ……………………… (artist) since he was a baby and has always loved colours and painting. 

8    I’d like a new bed because mine is getting more and more ……………………… (comfort).

7    artistic

8    uncomfortable


4    I can’t ……………………… tickets for the concert this week because I’ve just bought a new laptop. 

      A afford                B borrow            C earn

A afford


Well, there was a pair of amazing …………… in the sale in the sports shop, a real bargain, so of course I had to get them and a new  …………… as well because I’ve been borrowing Rowena’s for the last three weeks.

  A clubs          B gloves        C goggles          D trainers

  A net             B racket         C boots              D skates

D trainers
A net or B racket


9 I’m sad that I didn’t meet my aunt when she was in England.


      I ……………………………………………………………………… my aunt when she was in England.

10  I finished cooking the chicken a few moments ago.


      I ………………………………………………………………… the chicken.

9    wish I had met

10 have just finished cooking


By the time Mike arrived, we have finished/had finished the meal.

had finished


9    I was ……………………… (confuse) by Dean’s directions and got completely lost.

10  I was very ……………………… (embarrass) when I realised I was wearing two different coloured socks!

9    confused

10  embarrassed


5    Yuki has a lovely positive personality. He's always ……………………… and smiling. 

      A patient               B lazy                 C cheerful

C cheerful


I’ll be using both on the …………… tomorrow, so you can see them! I also bought a few things for school.
  A pitch           B pool            C slope              D court

After that, Alison told me that her brother was in the  …………… of the new play at the Apollo Theatre
  A list              B cast            C programme    D lyrics

D court
B cast